Well, I got my high definition receiver installed and set up last night. High definition is simply mind-blowing. After you watch even 30 minutes of high-def television going back to normal broadscast signals makes you want to puke. I can't even begin to stress how big a difference high-def is from normal broadcast signals. Even a nice clean pure digital signal from the HD receiver, but on a non-high-def channel, looks fuzzy and blurry by comparison.

My next major task is to figure out how to run an RF wire from an attic off-air antenna to the living room so I can get off-air local high-def broacasts. Most important coming up is the Rams game. DirectTV currently offers very few channels in High-Definition. One channel of HBO, two channels of pay-per-view movies, one 24 hour movie channel, ESPN, and the Discovery channel. I am hoping, especially for $11 a month, that they start adding a lot more high-definition content soon. I can't stomach this blurry crap for long.

I am trying to work out my wiring diagram for the setup. I only want to do this once, because once this stuff gets shoved back against the wall and my wife starts decorating, getting it pulled back out again is a real bitch.

Here is a table showing how I am planning on wiring everything. If you see any flaws or problems let me know.


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