What a pathetic blogger I am. I'm only posting because I am shamed to do so because my friends are now blogging with great creativity and wild abandon. Johnny, and David, Steph, Tracy, and Bruce, are all updating their blogs with lots of new content. Their links are on the sidebar. See, I'm even too lazy to hyperlink their great names.

I can only post brief missives full of trivia and almost devoid of content. My friend John Oberschelp not only won't create a blog, he is too frightened to install an instant messenger service on his machine because it will destroy his life, not unlike the way D&D, Gemstone, or the SCA has some people he has known in the past.

Terry is becoming both physically and psychologically addicted to pain pills and may never fully recover from her operation.

My friend David Whatley was generous enough to share some tickets he got for the Fox theatre production of 'Blast', which I have seen and he has not. I have three very musically talented children, two in band, one of whom excels in high school band. They are *VERY* excited to attend the show this Friday evening. If you have not been lucky enough to experience 'Blast', I highly recommend it. It's like Stomp only, much, much, better.

I still don't have high speed internet at home. They remain frightened of my high pointy roof.

I am still suffering buyers remorse over my recent 16mm film purchases. The only consolation is that, unlike the gambler who has pulled the arm of a slot machine and come up empty, I can get some or all of my money back.

I am enjoying watching this year's version of "American Idol". I give each contestant the "Nicky McKibbon" test. That is, are they a better singer than the person who managed to make it into the top-3 finalists of last years version. I am pleased to note that every single singer in the top 32 blows Nicky away, and virtually ever single person in the top 32 is better than the top 10 last year. Apparently the Kareoke bars are empty across the United States of America.

My pet peeve about the explosion of the Space Shuttle. Yes, it's sad. Very, very, sad. What I don't get is the *SHOCK*. I am *SHOCKED* at the SHOCK.

Who knew??!! Flying a spaceship at 12,000 miles an hour through 3,000 degree heat is 'dangerous'.

Who knew?

I mean, we know airliners plow into mountains and hundreds die. Airplanes crash in thunderstorms, windshear, etc.. Cars pile up in fog, and snow, and ice. Hundreds of people die almost every single day in car accidents.

But, *WHO KNEW*!!!!! Flying a spaceship is dangerous?

Excuse me while I go act shocked some more.

Don't get me wrong, it's sad, it's something we should reflect on as a nation. We spend billions of dollars as American taxpayers to fund these adventures, and those who engage in this activity are brave, and do deserve our respect. What I can't respect is the news media, and their outrageous behaviour.

I *HATE* 24 hour 7 day a week newschannels.

It was bad enough when there was *ONE*, much less the 6 or 7 there are now.

BTW, we got our cats shaved.


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