Lake of the Ozarks lakefront property

Terry and I drove down to our Lake property on Saturday. It was the first time we have been there in about three years. We went down to put up some for sale signs and to leave some advertisements at local businesses. We stayed at a little place called "Cardinal Cove" which wasn't even a mile from our property. To give you an idea how less expensive things are out in the country, when I went to settle my bar tab it worked out like this. I had drank four really awesome premium beers (a new beer I have just discovered called 'Grolsch'; a dutch beer from a brewer founded in 1615) and Terry had three Budweisers. The owner, proprietor, and barkeep, a guy named Frank, rang up our drinks and asked is we wanted to include our room on it as well. When he handed me the total it came to $67; yep that's for a night's stay in a hotel and seven beers.

I video taped myself walking the entire property. Without question this is the most boring video I have ever posted on the Internet before. However, when people ask me all kinds of questions about the property at least now I can give them a virtual tour. After all, it really is just land, and heavily wooded land at that. Still I imagine before most people would drive three hours to go see the property they might be quite happy to watch ten minutes of video on my site.

Until the property is sold the link for the site promoting it continue to be here.

It's not that I need to sell the property or anything. I am just holding onto it as an investment, and I still believe it is an excellent long term investment. In just the past year an 1,100 acre development was started within a couple of miles of my property. I also found out that the only person who has a house on the point where my property is located is putting it up for sale. His asking price is $700,000. Anyone going to look at his property is going to drive right past mine and I'm thinking $89,000 is going to look like a bargain in comparison.

I've relisted the property on Craig's list and, what with July 4th weekend coming up, I expect to get a lot of new traffic and, who knows, maybe a couple of solid leads.

Like I said, I don't 'need' to sell it but, if I did, I can think of a nice vacation or two I would like to go on with my wife.


Anonymous said…
John wrote:
I had drank four really awesome premium beers (a new beer I have just discovered called 'Grolsch'

This is what I like to have after Lodge. I generally bring the tall cans because it's easier for me to carry, though I prefer the flip-top bottles.

The only trouble is whenever I bring it, everyone else wants to drink it and expects me to give up my supply. Pfft on them. Brotherly love can only go so far! :)
If you like Grolsh, I guess that means you like Pilsner Urquel too? I think they taste quite similar and I really enjoy both beers quite a bit.

rhunker said…
Just got back from the Netherlands where they serve Grolsch after lodge. Quite nice.....
Anonymous said…
Pilsner Urquell is a little more bitter than Grolsch, but I've brought it to Lodge. One of our Bros. was from Czechoslovakia and left there in 1968. He had fascinating stories.

Stella tastes different still and one of our PMs (from South Africa) prefers it. One Lodge here had a keg of it for an installation a few years ago. We couldn't finish it. And we tried. It was left for the Grotto meeting two days later and we couldn't finish it there.

One of my Lodges finally stocks Beck's, probably because it's better known. It had been serving crap before (ie. Kokanee or Blue).

On my installation as Master (the first time around), a visitor (whose Lodge I later joined) gave a gift of a pony-keg of Warsteiner, which is quite distinctive in taste. That was the year I gave an educational talk on Beer and Freemasonry (which I no longer have; a computer virus 16 years ago zapped it) and had a free beer tasting afterwards. "Coincidentally", members of two other Lodges just happened to drop in.

The only problem with beer is I've reached the age where my metabolism doesn't work it off like it did when I was 30.

Justa Mason

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