Archer Quinn and the Sword of God : It's June 20th, where the hell is my free-energy gravity wheel?

Well, it's June 20th, 2008 and today is the day that Archer Quinn was going to release a free-energy device that would make Sir Isaac Newton roll over in his grave and bring all of the skyscrapers in Dubia tumbling to the ground. It also happens to be Archer Quinn's birthday. Happy birthday Archer!
In the past 48 hours or so Archer has reminded me why I ever started following his story to begin with. For a while this story took a really bad turn; Archer started cursing people and he publicly 'quit' in a huff and a puff of outrage. In response, both myself and others tried to explain to Archer that he wasn't going to win many friends or followers using this approach. We reminded him that any of us following the story were only doing so based on his initial proclamation of free energy for the world on a specific time and date. I suggested, politely, that perhaps, maybe, he should focus on building his machine.
And that is exactly what he did! In the past week he has stopped cursing people and, from all we can tell, been working without sleep morning, noon, and night. He has made countless videos and uploaded them to YouTube.
So why am I wasting my own personal time and energy following this story? I just think Archer is a fascinating character. He refuses to accept money from anyone. He is so certain he is right. His self-confidence, arrogance, and generosity to the world is overwhelming. He demonstrates a kind of bi-polar hot and cold personality; cursing everyone out one minute and then defending his position the next.
What makes Archer so much fun to watch is the new mythological twist that he represents. Over the years Free-Energy proponents have always followed a fairly obvious script. The basic outline of this script created clear patterns of mythology that have become archetypes for this ongoing hero quest.
* There is the guy who has invented a free-energy device but wants to patent it and protect himself from getting ripped off. Perhaps a patent is granted but no device ever reaches the light of day.
* There is this guy who invented a free-energy device but he got threatened by mysterious thugs; presumably hired goons from the oil companies. The inventor will then recant his own story or in other ways disappear. A mysterious death or two always makes this part of the myth especially compelling.
* There is the guy who came up with a free-energy device that at first looked promising but someone paid him off, the military, the oil companies, mysterious men-in-black, and he was never heard from again.
Archer Quinn represents a new spin on these old tales. He wants no money. He intends to release his free-energy device to the world, open source, and wants nothing in return. He only wishes to prove himself right and everyone else wrong. When he is not cursing his detractors his basic ethics still seem sound. He refuses to accept money and asks for no personal gain in this endeavor. He works tirelessly and openly shares all of his work.
This is a fun twist on the story, and the fact that Archer Quinn is such a colorful personality continues to keep me interested.
Now, personally, I don't believe in free-energy because, the last I checked, my laws of physics say it isn't possible. Actually, that isn't really true. The reason I don't believe in free-energy is because even though countless inventors have worked on the problem, including some of the greatest intellects in history (Leonardo DaVinci and Nicola Tesla) they have all failed.
Archer's device is nothing more than a spinning wheel inside a gravitational and magnetic field. Thousands of permutations on this concept have been pursued over there years and there is nothing in Archer's design that would lead anyone to think it is particularly unique or different.
Did I mention that it is June 20th and Archer Quinn's device doesn't work?
Shouldn't I be gloating right now that his great prediction failed? Shouldn't I be disappointed?
Really, I don't feel either emotion. I continue to be fascinated with this man in Australia who continues to struggle to prove his vision to the world. Hell, I will grant the man an extension to his deadline. I will be happy to give him another day, another week, another month, even another year, if it keeps this highly entertaining story line going.
As I mentioned before, Archer Quinn changes his website on a nearly constant basis. Recently it appears as though he has been going days on end without sleep trying to achieve his self-imposed deadline. A little over 24 hours ago someone managed to catch a posting on Archer's website where he announced that he realized his machine wasn't going to work. He admitted he had made some poor design decisions and regretted presenting the materials the way he had done. One of the members of the overunity forum took a screenshot of the webpage which contained this confession, that is before is was quickly removed and replaced with a comment to the effect saying 'let's do this thing anway..'.
From my own point of view I feel the world is a more entertaining place with eccentrics like Archer Quinn in it. His story has the same goofy appeal as that movie 'The Astronaut Farmer'.
I will say this; if Archer Quinn does ever produce an over-unity free-energy device (something very doubtful I readily admit) he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, a big ass parade, an ice cream cone, kudos, an atta-boy, and a blockbuster movie starring Brad Pitt as Archer Quinn.
What can I say, I'm a sucker for an entertaining story line. Happy Birthday Archer Quinn. Get some sleep. Start over again. Make a new build and, whatever you do, don't ever, ever, ever, make any excuses as to why your machine doesn't work. I will lose all respect for you if you do.
In a bizarre postscript Archer Quinn has just posted the following message on his website. I will copy it here as he is prone to editing his site frequently. On another forum a member attempted to diagnose Archer as suffering from a particular mental illness. I'm not certain that this is entirely fair, though it did make me feel a bit concerned in how I have dealt with this situation.
Obviously Archer is going to suffer a crash after going days without sleep and, ultimately, having his machine fail to work. He has now quit, yet once again, and is putting on airs as if he ever 'gave us' anything at all to begin with. As I have already pointed out, the only thing he gave us was a moderately entertaining Internet story to follow for a few weeks.
I believe this may be the epilogue to this story, time will tell. What I like about Archer's parting comments is how nicely they dove-tail with some of my recent posts.
Here is is in Archer's own words:
You Tube is not good to watch number 6, you cant see that it is in fcat accelerating from strt to when it jams, it does not slow down, anyone who understands physics also understands time and motion over distance, and that without the jam it would have kept going.
But you will have to wait a couple more to see if this was a glich or a waste of time alltogether.
Me?? I'm grinning like an idiot.
Sorry about the deley, if it aint broke don't fix it. My own fault, trying to power it up to look more impressive by altering the array to the point it wouldnt do any of the things in the vids, have a short turning vid, but didnt want to load it looks like it could have been spun and has no rear shot, so have stripped it back to original just waiting for glue etc, still should be up this evening or tomorrow (still 20th in the states I Guess), but pissed at myself for trying to be too clever.
Will load film asap.
After many hours of screaming about how it is not possible it could be ok one minute and not the next,
I spotted the problem, I had used the top of the wheel like a tray when I baked some repairs dry this morning and it has put a bow in it. not a big deal, it only had two blocks supporting it, so I will simply cut up more in the morning and straighten it.
If the rods sit over the edge of a magnetic track, the opposite pole is induced along the edge. So all things being equal, it should be alright, bit pissed about losing the timeing for the day I had planned. But it'll get fixed, and it will be posted, and it will be over.
Thanks for hanging in there, and don't worry bout the bad mouths, remember you spent a day doing something you are passionate about, they wasted a day. :)
It's Over, too many parts I need to reassemble, and don't have the money or the energy to do this anymore, for a majority who don't care anyway. My mistake was to build the wheel in the first place, 4 years from now you won't be able to get parts anyway, only the fulcrum will be of any use, i should have simply finished one of them.
In any event NASA data show the Greenland ice sheet as having doubled its melt from start of recording to 2000, and then doubled again by 2005 that gave it to around 2012 - 14 if oil consumption really genuinely just doubled, then 2012 would be an outside figure.
Most people just assume water rises slowly, it doe in part, then its like defrosting your freezer, you simply think you will see it coming and have time. I cant say about all the island evacuated in the last 18 months they don’t seem to make a big deal of, and i cannot tell you from personal knowledge as to other countries. But don't take my word if you are an Australian, go to the world war 2 airfield just outside Cooktown in QLD remember this is an airfield, where the ground is required to be hard as nails so swamp is no good to build on, this not only was not previously swamp, they used it for landing aircraft, you can still find pieces of the bitumen by touch.
you see its completely underwater.
So stories of a few millimeters per year are rubbish, you can go fishing there, in fact boat it probably the best way to get there, the old way is all water and mangroves.
I wanted to give the average person a shot a something worth having down the track.
The biggest mistake is math, not the bad use of it, just simply not using it.
So i will have one last shot a trying to speak as plain as possible and use basic things you should understand, to show you what you have to look forward to.
Ever heard the old saying, what weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of rock?
We all know a ton is a ton.
So what weighs more, a cubic of rock or a ton of water?
They are not even close.
Ok now take a wooden box with four sides only just able to touch in the corners and stand up all four pieces to form a box without a lid.
Very difficult isn’t it? without clamps or glue each time you get two up, its hard to get the other two to balance.
Now imagine you have a ball that is made up of pieces just like that, you have an advantage with this ball, because you have another ball that all these pieces can sit on .
A bit like a jigsaw puzzle with big pieces of a globe of the world stuck to a beach ball.
Are you with me?
Put a bit of vegetable oil under the pieces and you have tectonic plates.
now push down on one corner of one piece and watch what happens the other corner with lift slightly.
If each piece is held in place by the correct weight for the puzzle right now, what happens if you change the weights???
All the pieces will move and resettle to a different position.
If you move the entire weight of an average continent from one tectonic plate to others, they will move.
Your problem is not another 5 to 20 feet of water, you problem is that when it moves the continental weight of Greenland, the earths tectonic plates will shift. Earth quakes will be massive as will the Tsunamis that will come with them, tidal waves are one thing, now add the changed water height. You and even Al Gore are only looking at where it will sit, not what the new "Start" point is for a tidal wave of great magnitudes that must follow.
I am no doomsday person or prophet; this is NASA data, not my version of the future. Just reality as it is known, and basic math that says at that speed of melt, that "is" your time frame, and basic math that says if you shift a continent the tectonic plates will also shift.
I am exhausted, more from trying to show you something that is simple.
But having lost over ten thousand just in wages as well as the money I spent. I feel I have run out of time. For me to save up and keep going, would lose too much time for us to move ourselves and get settled out of the way of what is coming.
The government would warn you? why? will it help? Gore warned you, go back and watch it again. The CO2 level is not double the previous global warming peaks, it is 50 times that of every other peak before an ice age. The CO2 simply shows how great the melt will be.
The Cooktwnn military airfield from WW2 is gone, not looking like its in trouble, not probably could be seen as a sea level rise. it is already gone!! You don't see it in populated reason because of structure, the water rises but you don’t see it why? Because the banks are rebuilt or solid, so it takes away the sand below, more deeper water but the level "appears" the same, The only places you can see it happen, is where we don’t touch the land, like an old abandoned airfield near the ocean.
If I have a windfall and have some time I will rebuild the wheel and finish the fulcrum. But I fear if you cannot do it now anyway. Then there has been no point.
I have done all I can do for you at the moment. I hope it has been enough for at least some of you. Many engineers have contacted me to say they do understand it and are building them as we speak.
A sword must be held, I did not come to build just swords, I came to give strength to warriors to hold them and fight.
The gas prices are killing me.
Leave it to the Aussies to keep us guessing.
Ha ha, great comment! Only thing is I don't plan for my ego to be perpetual but, you are correct, I do try to keep it in motion in this incarnation.
Brother John