Confessions of a CyberBully

It has recently been brought to my attention that I, myself, may in fact be a Cyber-Bully. Apparently I have been harassing a completely innocent Australian gentleman by the name of Archer Quinn; a kind and sincere man who wants nothing more than to provide unlimited and free energy to the entire planet Earth and all of mankind (or monkeys if you prefer).
How could I, or anyone else for that matter, criticize this man who should be honored for his great courage, creativity, altruism, and selflessness?
Recently I also made a post regarding my thoughts on Cyber-Bully laws which are being considered throughout the nation.
Imagine my surprise, and concern, when I learned that the Governor of my very own State of Missouri, Governor Matt Blunt, planned to sign into law an anti-Cyber-Bullying law just a few miles from my home in O'Fallon Missouri today!!!! (The bill signing was postponed due to bad weather, that is why I am still currently out of prison to type this blog-post.)
This morning, as I read the paper about this story, I felt a panic; the same panic you feel when you pass a cop on the freeway and you just know you were speeding.
Now here I am on the Internet, how do I slam my foot onto the brakes of this careening out of control Web Log!?? Should I shut it down? Should I delete it? Make it private? Apologize? Switch to anonymous posting through back-channel IP addresses?
What do I do?
Just read some of the news coverage about this event!
From Fox News
and the
The Columbia Tribune
When I thought about the extensive harassment I have been inflicting on this poor innocent soul Archer Quinn I quickly came to realize that I was only a phone call away from prison.
This evening I made a point to read the entire bill so that I could psychologically prepare myself for the inevitable punishment I am sure to receive.
The entire text of the final bill that was passed can read at the following link.
I have read this bill several times and, the more I read it, the closer I delve into the details and subtle implications of this devastating piece of legislature, I am convinced that I can hear the sounds of police sirens outside of my home.
Archer Quinn, please forgive me. I take back everything bad I ever said about you. You are right. Newton was wrong. I throw myself on the mercy of your Australian legal system, and may the lord have mercy on my poor soul.
I did find the item on 'crude' language silly.. but then, I believe all talk by those who say 'crude' language should be banned, silly.
I guess I ask -- should someone who exerts mental and emotional abuse to some other person be accountable under criminal law? If not, why not toss out laws that cover physical abuse and harrassment too? Although the law is always open to interpretation, it would be a stretch to say your blog postings talking about some free energy guys descending to or wallowing about in insanity was anything close to harrassment to said person.
BTW, have you seen the latest Indiana Jones movie? I saw it today with my son and mother, and as the credits were rolling, thought you would get a kick out of it.
Doesn't change your mind about Cyber-Bullies, then nothing will.