My Podcast on the Truth, Love, and Freedom website

Well, I had my interview with Karl, or SoulReal if you prefer, over at the Truth, Love, Freedom site. I think it went well. It lasted for two hours and seemed to move along fairly quickly. I haven't listened to it back yet, so I don't have a clear sense of just how big a fool I made of myself. I hope I didn't say something too out of line that I will get in trouble for but, hey, sometimes you just have to blurt out whatever comes into your head at the moment. As always, my views are my own and nobody else's. I do not speak for my lodge, the Grand Lodge, or any other Freemason in the world for that matter. Still, I don't think I was quite what Karl was expecting and it covered a lot of ground.

After finishing the Interview I spent some more time browsing the Revere Radio network site. I even called into a show and my short call-in segment went fine. However, once I hung up, the host's wife and several people calling in went off onto wild and crazy misinformed tangents that I found a bit surprising.

After listening to more of the content on the site it became quite clear that the Truth, Love, Freedom show is anchored squarely in reality and conducts itself by a pretty high standard compared to the other shows hosted on the site.

This entire exercise got me thinking though... as much fun as blogging is, this podcasting thing has its own appeal. Especially when it is the format of a scheduled 'radio' show with people calling in. It occurs to me that I could make my very own podcast and present the exact point of view that I want to.

I think it would be fitting, ironic, and amusing to host a skeptics show on the Revere Radio Network. I would title the show something like 'Blinded by Belief'. The main theme of the podcast would be 'Why do you believe the shit that you do?" The podcast would be somewhat confrontational in the sense that I would expect each speaker to defend their positions and beliefs on a particular topic. The policy would be something along the lines of 'Even though I acknowledge that you have the complete and unalienable right to believe any bat-shit crazy thing you want to, I still want you to attempt to use logic, reason, and rational thought to convey 'why' you believe what you do to me, and the listening audience.'

I already know who my first guest will be...Archer Quinn..

The link to the TLF podcast is here.


Anonymous said…
I was listening to your podcast
with Karl from TLF last night,
i found it an informative,
insightful and honest interview.
Thank you for sharing your
personal views to freemasonry,
it was the first time i heard
a freemason typify his personal
belief as a form of pantheism.

>>it was the first time i heard
a freemason typify his personal
belief as a form of pantheism.

Yeah, that's kind of interesting isn't it? Considering the fact that many of the founding fathers were deists; Benjamin Franklin hardly being the least.

Anonymous said…
>>Yeah, that's kind of interesting isn't it? Considering the fact that many of the founding fathers were deists; Benjamin Franklin hardly being the least.

Well yes,
it's interesting to me,..
mainly because in most
of the talks with masons that
i had / followed ,
i got the inpression
that they often "shy away" from
explaining or typifying
their personal beliefs
as either pantheist or "mystical".
Listening to the TLF podcasts
first Greg explained his personal
views as somewhat mystic/hermetic.
I must admit i somewhat expected you to want to contrast his personal understanding with your own, which i (wrongly) assumed to be a
monotheistic conceptualisation.
The manner in which you spoke
of GAOTU fits well with my idea and
personal belief of pantheism,
it also coincides with the ideas
i have to the comparitive aspects
of mythology and teachings
within freemasonry.

thanks again.

and i found it a very informative
talk overall.

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