Podcasts, Archer Quinn, Steven Greer, and FreeEnergy

I know I should drop it but, to be honest, now I think I have just become obsessed. This weekend I was on my first ever podcast. I suppose it went well. I think the goal was to talk for an hour and, I'm pretty sure that I did. There were few dead silences (if any) and I refrained from stuttering, slurring my words, vomiting in my mouth, cursing, or generally making a fool of myself. Or, so I think. The only feedback I received so far was from a brother who didn't understand how it was that I couldn't understand the 3rd degree. Unfortunately going into the details of that topic is definitely inappropriate for a public blog. That said, I would be thrilled to speak to any brother by telephone or in person who is bold enough to think they can explain it to my dunderheaded self.
Today my Google alert for 'Steven Greer' notified me that Dr. Greer held his own pod-cast on the Paracast network this weekend. In addition to this minor media revelation, I was also pleased to see that Archer Quinn regrouped himself, deleted his bizarre diatribe from his website, and is now getting back to work to 'fix' his machine. He is posting fresh YouTube videos and is back to work on his glorious Sword of God to benefit all of mankind; even before the ice sheets melt and drown us all. (BTW, I do have this to say to Archer Quinn and others. Human beings are remarkably adaptable creatures. If the ice sheets melt, and the world changes, guess what, we will all pick up and move to higher ground. Always have, always will.)
Archer couldn't quite help himself and claimed that he was correct all along, made no misstatements, and did nothing wrong. Of course, then again, it seems that Archer is unaware that no one can claim success of an overunity device unless it is a closed system. Perpetual motion machines, after all, are supposed to be *perpetual* not accelerate through one turn and stop. I won't quibble with the man at this point because all I really wanted was for him to get back to building his machine. What can I say, I like reality programming. I have even been known to watch 'Big Brother' from time to time and Archer Quinn right now is serving well as my own personal hamster in a cage. It's especially fun when I get to poke the hamster on occasion.
The Steven Greer podcast was also about 'free energy'. Steven Greer has started 'The Orion Project' which is his goal to raise three million dollars so the Archer Quinn's of the world can build something.
Listening to Dr. Greer on the Paracast was fascinating. He has an extremely polished oratory that is designed to make himself sound entirely reasonable; even while he is saying bat-shit crazy things. He loves, loves, loves, to drop references to the famous people he has spoken to, had dinner with, and have privately assured him that he is right and everyone else is wrong.
He will state, as fact, over and over again that certain free energy technologies have existed as long as a century ago.
The really fascinating part of the interview is when he starts stating 'facts' about Tesla having invented a free-energy car and a free-energy farm. He then talks about how the powers that be suppressed these inventions. The host of the show considers himself a bit of a Tesla expert and pointed out that Tesla, in his own biography and his own words, never made any such claims. He asked Dr. Greer if he was claiming Tesla suppressed himself. The host also pointed out that Tesla suffered from mental illness, something Tesla readily admitted to in his own auto-biography. Dr. Greer simply blew any critical comment off, failed to acknowledge it, and then barreled forward on his well rehearsed script.
Dr. Greer is a pickle barrel full of anecdotes and tall tales, all smoothly presented as 'fact' in a steam-rolling style that prevents anyone from stopping to question him on any point.
If, according to Dr. Greer, these technologies are so basic that they were well understood a century ago, it is rather hard to believe none of it could be rediscovered, published, or replicated in all of that time.
The fact of the matter is that Dr. Greer stands in the same place with free-energy as he does with his beloved UFOs. He needs to stop blaming others for his failures. He blames anyone and everyone for why he has absolutely zero proof or evidence of UFOs and he now does the same exact thing for his free-energy stories.
Dr. Steven Greer claims life-long close and personal encounters with UFOs all of the way up to the point that he tells people that he can conjour them up on demand! Then again, he also claims to have personal magical Christ like powers of levitation and telepathic abilities, so maybe we should take that into account as well.
In all of the years Dr. Steven Greer has been calling up UFOs on demand using his CE5 protocol he has not one single video tape of the inside of an alien 'ET' spacecraft. He has been given no tangible evidence in any way, shape, or form from his alien buddies that would prove his claims beyond a reasonable doubt to the general public.
Instead of blaming the UFOnauts for the cover-up that they so carefully control he blames everyone else; which is rather missing the point.
When it comes to free energy he blames the 'sekrit gummint' for suppression of these technologies. He claims that we have stacks and piles of free energy devices overflowing in top sekrit laboratories. He claims that hundreds, nay thousands, of American engineers know all about UFOs, free-energy, and other earth shattering sekrits but not one of them, seriously not a single one of them, has ever spilled the beans. Pretty impressive.
Now me, and I know I'm going to catch some flak for this, but hear me out; me, if I worked for the sekrit gummint and I knew about a technology, an incredibly simple technology that is a century old, a technology which could transform the planet and elevate the entire human race to a higher standard of living and out from under the tyranny of foreign powers of economic control, I just might violate my vow a tiny bit and leak a plan or two onto the Internet.
And that, my friends, is the crux of the problem. You can talk about conspiracies and suppression until the cows come home. And, hey, maybe this practice was very successful for a long time. But, today, we have the Internets and YouTubes and, let me assure you, that any properly open-sourced easily replicable free-energy device would be irrepressible and would spread like wildfire and floods the world over.
In fact, the only reason I still hold a soft spot in my heart for Archer Quinn is that no matter how unstable he behaves or how many times he fails, he still absolutely refuses to accept any money for his efforts, is fearless in the face of any presumed threats of suppression of his invention, and absolutely promises to make it all open-source and freely available to the world. Now, the fact that you can't understand half of what he says does put a bit of a damper on things but I still give him credit for the positive attitude.
If anyone out there is really sitting on such technologies then they have a moral obligation to the human race and the sustainability of the planet earth to make them open-source and to do so absolutely immediately; no waiting for funding, permission, or anything else. You can't suppress that kind of thing. (It is worth noting that over the past hundred years numerous patents have been issued for free-energy devices and not one, I repeat not a single one of them period, ever, has been replicated as a working system. Instead all we have are stories, told like tall tales around a campfire.)
Let's be serious now, it isn't being suppressed. Because it doesn't exist. Because there is no evidence that it ever did. And other than spreading tall tales and evolving his own personal mythology Steven Greer is contributing absolutely nothing to the cause.
Heck, when you are treated with open skepticism and called out on a paranormal radio broadcast, you know you are finally catching up with your own bullshit. Kudos to the guys who interviewed Steven Greer for not fully swallowing his line of crap.
As I said, I should probably drop this topic by now but I can also tell that I probably won't. After my podcast interview I asked myself the question, "What has been the most difficult thing for me since I became a Freemason?" My answer to this question is that I have had to give up criticizing various organized religions. We swear an oath in Freemasonry that we will be tolerant of the religious beliefs of others.
I have tried hard to abide by that injunction but, I assure you, it has been a major challenge. Personally I believe that all organized religions are the creations of men, that these purely political organizations create a dogma, or self-sustaining bureaucracy if you will, with the primary purpose and goal of controlling its members and extracting money from them along the way.
I believe that, when examined objectively, the belief systems and dogma surrounding most human religions are absolutely patently absurd, far more absurd than UFOs and free-energy. I believe that many of the 'holy writings' that members of organized religions hold so closely were written thousands of years ago by largely ignorant and primitive men and, to be frank, shouldn't be taken seriously in light of what we have learned about life, the Universe, and everything thanks to scientific advances and, oh I don't know, little things like the electron scanning microscope and the Hubble space telescope.
All that said, I'm not allowed to publicly criticize any organized religion any more. I am not allowed to point out how the dogma of these systems are built upon falsehoods, immoral teachings, and just plain good old fashioned nonsense. Instead I have to be tolerant and allow that so long as you say it is your 'religion' that I must grant you can, should, and will believe any bat-shit crazy thing you want to.
Fortunately for me neither free-energy proponents or UFO devotees generally claim they belong to a 'religion'. So, I think that makes them fair game in observing that their bat-shit crazy beliefs are built upon a well constructed pile of self-delusion.
All that said, I can't wait to see what Archer Quinn builds next............
Earlier this year I made a blog post that pointed out how ironic it was that when Dennis Kucinich said he saw a UFO the media lambasted and ridiculed him while another candidates beliefs were not allowed to be questioned in any way. Now, realize that chances are Dennis Kucinich probably actually saw a UFO.
At the same exact time we had a Mormon Presidential candidate. And, not just any Mormon, an elder of the Church who, in that capacity, formulated and enforced the dogma of his faith.
I then pointed out, in a factual manner, the things Mormons, according to their faith, are supposed to believe.
The point of this post was supposed to note the irony that what Mormons believe as part of their faith is clearly, if you look at it objectively, about a hundred times loonier than believing you saw a UFOs.
That said, the media is not allowed to say one negative thing about what the Mormon candidate believes as part of his religious faith.
Where it gets even fuzzier is when you realize that we are able to compartmentalize off and say 'I'm not allowed to question the capacity for rational thought by this candidate so long as it refers to what he believes as part of his religious faith.'
This is a man who is applying for a job which, let's be honest here, ought to require a fairly healthy capacity for rational thought, reasoning skills, and the ability to understand facts of history.
So, what happened when I made these observations? Numerous Mormon Freemasons used all kinds of emotional language and called upon me ought as a Brother that I should not be attacking their faith in this way.
This has all led me to conclude that I'm only allowed to make commentary about the paranormal, UFOs, free-energy, and other similar systems. If anyone is able to read the subtext and find a correlation with the dogma of any religions, well more power to them...
Brother John