Archer Quinn, my own personal free energy bitch

(Note: To read an article about the latest belief systems and mythology surrounding 'free-energy' try this link.)
Let's be honest for a moment, I am just not the kind of guy who is going to build a free energy device. And, it isn't even because I don't believe in perpetual motion machines, it's really just because I'm a very busy guy and I'm not very handy.
However, I am proud to announce that I have just hired Archer Quinn to build one for me! His last attempt didn't work out, and he needs to go back to the drawing board. However, he's out of money, his wife is riding his ass, and he is just a step or two from having to go out and get a legit straight job.
We most certainly can't have that! Now, it is not just myself who is hiring Archer but the entire Internet community at large. If enough of us get together and contribute Archer could probably avoid getting a real job for months and months, thereby providing us with an untold amount of personal entertainment by reading his website and watching his YouTube videos.
Are you like me? Do you love stories about Free Energy devices and the guys who build them?
Are you like me? Will you never get off your sorry ass and actually build a device but you are willing to contribute so somebody else will keep building?
Look, I'm going to be straight here. I don't believe in Free Energy. I don't believe Archer Quinn will ever successfully build an over-unity device. My main reason for believing that none of these these things will ever work actually doesn't have much to do with the notion that they 'violate the laws of physics'. My main reason for not believing in FE devices is because, over the course of centuries, some extremely brilliant men have invested untold amounts of time and energy building these devices and not one of them, I repeat not a single one, has ever, ever, ever worked.
With those odds I'm quite happy to bet that this losing streak will continue; but, when you think about it, it's a great bet. Because, even if you are wrong YOU WIN! If someone really does create an OU device, we are all winners. It's truly a win win situation.
Are you like me? Have you found the entire soap opera and saga of Archer Quinn over the past 60 days highly entertaining?
I mean, I pay $25 a month to subscribe to HBO and Showtime and I'm pretty sure I had more fun with Archer Quinn's saga than any entertainment value I got from DirectTV.
Following Archer Quinn reminds me of watching the reality TV program 'Big Brother'. What makes Archer more fun than the TV show is that in this instance I get to poke him and rattle his hamster cage from time to time.
Now, let's get serious here, Archer does have to deal with the realities of life, as we all do, and he is now willing to consider accepting some donations to keep the show going.
Realize now that I am an arch skeptic, non-free-energy believer, and generally negative Nancy but I still want to watch the Archer Quinn show continue. It reminds me of that line in the 'The Truman Show'.... "How will it end?" Well, Archer has threatened to end it any number of times, but still I want to watch him keep building for a while.
I just donated $25 to Archer's paypal account and, depending on whether or not I get my entertainment value out of it, I might renew my subscription as time goes on.
To anyone who, like myself, has derived enormous entertainment value out of this build process I encourage you to subscribe to the Archer Quinn reality show too.
Let's each donate a few bucks to the cause and get Archer back to building!!!!!!!!!!!
Just to prove I am getting my money's worth, Archer added this information to his website today. He is moving his mythology forward nicely and I can't wait to see the FE device he builds with 1.6ton of magnetic pulling force! Here is is post.
A bit of news on the supply front, I have confirmed the supply of 100 kilo lift Neo magnets for the commercial model, one for each end of each drive rod. So the commercial model will have some 1.6 ton of power to shift 50mm solid stainless rods with appropriate moving weight extensions. I don't think power production will be an issue. In fact, although was a little sceptical it could be done directly into a vehicle bigger than a golf buggy, the availablity of these new products now has me convinced we may be able to alter the commercial model for vehicles.
So come on people lets get this first one off the ground. This will save more lives around the world and make better living standards for pensioners and those who struggle with everyday costs, the lack of smog is simply a bonus. Some will go to bed and say today I did the right thing, some will say that if oil does make 150 to 200 a barrel at least the machines will be close at hand not down the track.
If you don't understand or even believe it will work, then you understand what faith truly is, whether it be in God or just mankind's ability to overcome the odds. Knowing is not faith. If you are religious what do you think is better, money on a plate that has just as much chance of being a new stained glass window as anything else? or a money that has only one purpose. Me? I would rather give money to a guy digging holes in the desert for water for his people even though you may not believe he will find it, than a window decoration.
If you are not religious the even common sense tells you one thing, if there is only wages clearly less than the person is able to earn with an account for all of the money, why would he be wasting his time? why would he have spent so much of his own money? why would he have lost all the wages time on it so far? For what purpose? so million of people could laugh at him? not likely.
I am asking you have faith that I have done this before and can reproduce it again. I will start this on Monday with the wages money or not as there is enough for parts, and I will have faith in my fellow man to make sure I have not continued for their benefit at my expense. (I'll handle the missus)
For those who think its risky, the only people who ever dissapered were those who did things in secret, if you work in the dark, no one notices when you dissappear, simply those Free energy brief notes to say it must have been an anomoly or their test was wrong, that could have been written by anyone in their stead. There are no anomolies here.
So as of 12.45 pm June 26 2008 you have a start thanks to 32 people out of 6 billion, of those who contribute to this before the first full running video I will ask for permission to publish your names afterwards without amounts beside them. This is no longer "I" (for the first time in my life) but "we" who will change the world for the better.
I think there is enough said until Monday 30th of June.
Should I do the long speech, or not?
ummm nope. You are aware of more than you allow public and you do a good job of covering what you cover.
I try to stay in the background with regards FE/OU patronisation.
Enjoy your current Energy Bitch entertainment and I am sure a new one will be along soon.
I have the utmost respect for you and your builds. I would be more than happy to click a paypal button on your behalf any day of the week.
And, yeah, you caught me. I am just having fun tweaking Archer. He's a hoot and a half isn't he?