Archer Quinn's descent into madness is high entertainment for the general public

"I have come to the true understanding there is more bad than good on this monkey covered rock. you can have the wheel that's it. Nothing else.
Those who sit and watch evil are as bad as those who do it.
I am only giving you this becuase you already know how to build it. but don't ever speak to me." Sir. Archer Quinn
This is the message that was posted on Archer Quinn's website earlier today. It has since changed of course. Archer changes his website sometimes several times a day based on how he feels from one moment to the next. (Here is a link to an Endgadget article about the same.)
To be frank Archer's public behavior is that of an emotionally unstable child. He modulates from egocentricity to anger to humor, to altruism, to pompous ass, to offended and insulted on a moment by moment basis. You can read the evolution of his strange psychosis on this never-ending thread on the forum.
You might wonder why it is that I am continuing to post on this topic; and what is ultimately to be a non-event. The reason is two fold. First of all, my goal is to become one of the top internet search results for any phrase related to 'Archer Quinn' 'Gravity Wheel', 'Free Energy' Overunity Device', 'Archer Quinn full of shit', or 'Archer Quinn bullshit'. As for the second reason, well, simply because it amuses me.
I'm pretty sure I have mentioned this on this blog before but what interests me more than whether anything is, or is not 'true' (in some hypothetical objective sense of the word) it is why people believe in something so strongly in the first place; especially if they have no objective evidence to support their belief.
There is an excellent piece of mythology evolving in this Archer Quinn saga. It is happening in real-time and is unfolding before our eyes. The story is rich and entertaining and is fueled by a near psychopathic personality who infuses the tale with more twists and turns than a swollen creek in a summer storm.
Archer Quinn announced a few weeks ago that he would release a free-energy device that would change the world on June 20th. Since then he has engaged himself with the 'free-energy' community in various discussions. He has been friendly, kind, helpful, and a complete asshole from one message to the next. He has cursed individuals and damned to hell both Sir Isaac Newton and anyone who ever believed the writings of this famed historical alchemist. He has provided 'explanations' that are rambling, slightly deranged, and sound more like a manifesto from the Unabomber than a rational scientific mind.
He has repeatedly announced he will never speak to the public again and a again, only to return within hours with more commentary.
What has engaged people is not his actual so-called invention, but simply the audacity of his pronouncements. Its kind of like listening to Ron Paul or that crazy Ross Perot guy rant and rave. Sometimes someone is so bat-shit crazy you just can't avert your eyes.
And, of course, everyone wants, wishes, that deep down in the secret heart of their hearts that somehow, someway, that maybe, just maybe, this crazy nut-job could be right. Nut-jobs can be right can't they? Maybe he has everything wrong, the science, everything else, but somehow, through a bizarre fluke, he stumbled upon the holy grail of free-energy we have all been wishing, dying, searching for.
You just want to root for the poor deranged bastard or, at the least, watch him crash burn and die all the while documenting the sorry tale for posterity on your personal blog.
By now he has revealed the complete and entire secret of his primary over-unity device (he now claims he has piles more of them; including the lever and siphon for example.)
His over-unity device is simply a gravity wheel. This embodies the concept that you can get an infinite amount of energy simply from the force of gravity. You accomplish this by creating a machine that takes less energy to lift a weight up then you can retrieve from it falling down. The theory behind this is that you create what is called an 'overbalanced wheel' such that it is always heavier on one side than the other. People have been designing and building over-balanced wheels at least all of the way back to Leonardo Davinci and, other than some entertaining tall tales, none have ever been replicated or proven to work.
What Archer's invention adds to the mix is a set of fixed magnets, one group at the bottom which repulses and another set at the top that attracts; and this magnetic field is designed to keep weights on sliding arms at all times 'over-balanced' as the wheel turns. We can then siphon off a little bit of free energy along the way achieving the holy nirvana of an unlimited supply of free-personal energy for every man, woman, and child on the planet earth.
Hallelujah, all praise the Mighty Quinn and his glorious Sword of God!
--------- Edit this morning of June 4, 2008 ---------------
Some people think I have been a little bit too hard on Archer Quinn. I definitely feel as though I may have hurt his feelings. I've told him both publically and privately that his only true vindication is to succeed at his original promise (free energy for the world on June 20th) and ignore they naysayers and doubters along the way. However, ignoring naysayers doesn't seem to be Archer's style.
I would like you to be the judge of whether or not I have been too harsh on Mr. Quinn by cross posting some of the recent comments from his website. I am cross-posting them here because his website changes so frequently they are liable to be removed by tomorrow.
The specific links to his site with current commentary are: 'Truth' and 'Monkey Magic'
Here are some choice comments from those pages. The text is the original, but I will bleep the foul language..
You look but you do not see, you hear but you do not listen. Your planet is crap because you are all monkeys.
Monkey under a coconut tree, coconut falls on his head he moves to the next tree, a coconut falls on his head he moves back to the first tree, it happens several times until eventually he moves off to a different set of trees.
American sitting under a democrat tree a coconut falls on his head, so he moves to the republican tree and hit happens again, and so on and so on, without the common sense that god gave a monkey.
There are no great evil people controlling you, you are the problem you stupid bunch of monkeys.
God may forgive you I chose not to.
You may have been able to prevent the straw from falling, maybe not.
Mine was no special trick simply logic, I want to see you hole back the Ocean in the next 4 years. Believe you have lots of mathmaticians that can solve all these problems for you. Archer Quinn
This was so you know there was no hoax, and you can all piss off.
The beam at the short end is 1.2 metres and the extended end is 6 metres a 5 to 1 distance ratio with a 20 to one lift the rear of the beam travels 2 meters from the top. or one metre each side of level, the end of the beam for this travels 12 metres in total.
if the cost of the lift is at most 1.25kgs x 12 metre in lift = 15 kilos of weight required falling to lift the 1.25 kilos back up to the start point when the 20 kilos falls off the end at 2 metres in the air, that is 40 kilos of lift provided.
duuhh ya think dats enough rocky!! huh!!
f**king apes, Charlton heston was lucky for him it was just a f**king movie, I have to wake up to this shit every day.
you can dig up Isaac newton so he can suck my c**k.
why does it work?? Archer Quinn
You can find more of the same on his website. You know, now that I think about it, maybe I was too harsh on Archer Quinn. He makes a compelling argument for his case doesn't he?
Upon further reflection on this post it has just occurred to me that I may very well be acting as a Cyber-Bully. Sorry, Archer. Just release the working over-unity device on June 20th, and I will atone for my sins.
Here is a YouTube video from one of the guys attempting to replicate Archer Quinn's 'Sword of God'
And another..
And another:
It sounds like a person that is highly intelligent but uneducated. And most of all, he is either drunk or on drugs. I am not kidding. This is exactly what it sounds like.
I wouldn't be surpised to find out he honestly believes everything he is saying. If that is true, that doesn't make him a scam artist, it just makes him rather sad and deluded.
What concerns me more is why anyone would believe him in light of the fact that he has provided zero evidence to support his claims and, in fact, has rather hurt his cause by his irrational behavior and bizarre explanations.
I want his free-energy device to work just as much as the next guy, if not more. I just might point out that if in the course of centuries no one has ever been able to produce an easily replicable device, I see no reason to hold my breath for this one either.
gee wonder who posted that video of the mayernick and all the specs so anyone can build it. F--k you springs to mind, but the end of the world economy via the destruction of the energy industry will do just fine