The Planet Earth is shifting into the 4th dimension and later to the 5th dimension; are you ready?

If you haven't figured out by now, I am fascinated by why people believe the shit that they do. Do you remember how many people got riled up by the Y2K bug? Remember the folks who were predicting disaster and all of that nonsense? Do you know those folks who believe in the rapture and think the 'Left Behind' series is a prophetic warning, not a load of fictitious nonsense?
What I have figured out by now is that the human psyche craves 'meaning'. Something drives a significant percentage of humanity to 'make sense of it all' and derive some kind of coherent meaning out of their life, the Universe, and everything. This impulse, which drives some of the population absolutely mad, is extremely powerful. Sometimes I think it is the biggest distinguishing factor between us and the animals on this planet.
Why is it that, for all of recorded human history, that a substantial percentage of the population finds meaning in eschatology? (If you don't know what that ten-cent word means, it is a philosophy which concerns itself with the end-of-the-world or end-times if you will.)
You cannot find a time in human history when people were not consumed with a belief that the end-times were imminent. When I grew up I actually lived in the end-times. I was born in 1961. The Cuban missile crisis was in 1962, when I was one year old. As I grew up and throughout my entire childhood, I was faced with the reality of the cold-war; the absolute fact that enough nuclear bombs were sitting on a hair trigger that at any time, at any moment, the entire planet could be destroyed 50 times over within 30 minutes. For real. I'm not kidding. This isn't a joke.
Today, we don't really worry about this scenario any more. Our worst concern is a terrorist bombing or two which, I'm sorry to say, as bad as that is, pales in comparison to nuclear annihilation of the entire planet.
We are living today in the most peaceful times that we have experienced in centuries. You wouldn't know it by the rhetoric would you?
One of the themes of the eschatologically inclined has been the concept of 'earth changes'. This idea was fueled by Edgar Cayce, Charles Hapgood, and others. It really picked up steam with the writing of Zecharia Sitchin.
Zecharia Sitchin would read the scribbled drawings from ancient civilization, in fact the earliest writings from human civilization, and infer scribbles and swirls to mean space ships, aliens, DNA, blood transfusions, and all manner of nonsense. What was more absurd than this is how many people read his books and treated them literally!
One theme Sitchen liked to promote was the idea that there was an additional planet that was on some sort of absurd elliptical orbit though our solar system and that once every 3,600 years or so it would come barreling through our region of space and cause all manner of havoc.
To add some more spice to the gumbo let us mix in the fact that the Mayan calendar supposedly comes to an end on December 21, 2012. This concept was further fueled by the writings of Terrence McKenna who posited his time-wave-zero hypothesis that gathered a following as well.
But, we aren't done quite yet. We still have all of these folks who claim they are being abducted by aliens and being shown visions of a future environmental apocalypse.
Human beings desire meaning in their lives. Sometimes they turn to religion with promises of an afterlife to provide that meaning. Yet others still hope that the end-times happen during their very own lifetime so they can be part of the big show. This desire seems ingrained in the human psyche and no matter how many times the end-of-the-world fails to occur they can always refresh themselves at the deep well of delusional rationalization which is fueled by a seemingly limitless flow of channeled material, visions, dreams, pseudo-scientific gibberish or just plain wishful thinking.
It doesn't matter how many times the end of the world fails to happen these individuals seem to have a limitless capacity for wish fulfillment. What I find particularly ironic is that many of the folks who succumb to this kind of delusional thinking also harbor new age/eastern beliefs in karma and reincarnation. Just how ironic is it that they wasted the bulk of their karmic cycle worrying, planning, and stressing about an end-time that never occurred? Well, at least I find it ironic.
You might ask why I felt compelled to post on this topic, at this time? Well, I have recently become fascinated by why people invest so much time, energy and effort into a belief system that supports the concept of 'free-energy'. I have found that those who become attracted to the 'free-energy' belief systems quickly open themselves up to a wide array of other false belief systems. They get sucked into paranoia and conspiracy theories as explanations for why the devices they have invested so much emotional energy into fail to manifest in reality.
My personal criteria for a free-energy device is that I can buy one at Walmart for $19.95. What can I say, I believe my approach is a lot more rational than theirs.
I have posted recently on the semi-amusing propaganda of Archer Quinn regarding his claims of delivering free-energy to the entire planet and to destroy all of the oil infrastructure over-night. It's a nice bit of mythology. His drop-dead data was June 20th, which is rapidly approaching. He has been posting YouTube videos of late and I was slightly impressed that his comes across much better in video than in writing. He uses hardly any profanity at all in his YouTube videos and has even started building his infamous gravity wheel with magnetic assist. I will continue to follow that story.
But, what really blew me away, was some of the comments in a thread on the forums.
I will close this rambling blog post with direct quotes from that thread:
Howdy Y'all,
12/21/2012 is the end for the evil factions. Those who are meek shall inherit the Earth. There are significant changes coming. It's a good time to clear up your karma and get good with GOD. However if you are Reptilian, Draconian, Illuminati or a Bush you are going to get thrown into the fire. Not just regular fire, but soul purifying electric fire that erases your soul knowledge. It's like a soul reboot. That way you can get a second chance, but you can't remember what you did wrong. Armageddon, The Rapture, The Apocalypse, or whatever you call it, it's coming fast, and there is no man that can stop it.
Viva La Divinity...
Blessed Be Brothers...
Have a look at his latest video:
Forward to around 15:40 minutes.
There he shows, how the sun reversus its magnetic flux field because of going through the axis
of the milkyway or something like this....
As the results of this the earth magnet field will also flip
and push the earth back and forth, so all the oceans will be pushed over the lands,
many very big Tsunamies coming up
and many earthquakes will take place, etc...
theearth will just flip back and forth and maybe also break apart ?
So this does sounds pretty logical to me...
ALso there are other videos on youtube that say,
that in 2012 there will be a black hole coming near earth and thus shake the earth up this way...
Just search on
Well... what do you think of this all ?
Can this be possible and if it really will occur,
how can we all safely avoid being killed by these events ?
Please let me know your view.
Here is a good intro video intro into the Nibiru problem:
recently watched a lecture from Maurice Cotterrell, fellow who "cracked" the Maya code from the Lid of Palenque, titled "Secrets of the super gods". In it he looks into Sun spot cycles, Sun magnetic field and how it affects everything else, including human beings and planet Earth, and why Mayas cared so much about all of that. The lecture was truly inspiring, just wish it was much longer with the rest of his research. This guy is someone who is a real scientist and not some New Age kook, and I recommend watching this lecture to everyone. I believe it might still be available on the torrents...
Learning to swim really, really well would be a start!
Those needing to believe that it's all crap can take solace from the fact that one of the most accurate psysics of the 20'th century, Edgar Cayce, predicted a similar fate for earth, but for around 1999, which never came to pass...
Personally I believe 'something' is going to happen, and you are going to have the world governments trying to deflect attention from any early warning signs by all means necessary - they have already started imo, when they started waving the "Global Warming" flag in earnest. That way, any noticable upsurge in world disasters will be put down to a 'known' cause, at least at first - when this is no longer credible in the eyes of the public, then they'll probably have to get a little more creative...
If we are in for the often-mentioned pole-shift (which scientists even admit is due, so a possibility) the end should be mercifully quick - here is a passage about the fossil graveyards, possibly a result of last pole-shift:
Howdy Y'all,
Obviously, to the chagrin of modern science, massive geophysical changes happed in a extremely short period of time. Modern academic theories are woefully inadequate. All you have to do is read the akashic record to know what really happened.
There is a reason that the armeggedon has been such a long time in coming. Spiritual forces want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who is bold and who is meek. How do you do this? Give them LOTS of time. "Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves". How-za-bout 2000 years? The meek know God is coming and haven't wavered a bit. They hold God's law and live correctly. The Bold, however, figure that the whole God thing is just a fairy tale and they convince themselves that there is no God, no Karma, and they can do whatever they want. They prove it to. They romp all over everything, creating mayhem and destruction wherever they go, killing, and stealing whatever they want. What a bunch of stupid ignorant sons of bitches. They are not aware that the akashic record is recording every single thing that they do. Then God, and the myriad of the forces of light show up 2000 years later and take inventory. Their accounting department is flawless. It is just simple record keeping. The forces of light just look at the akashic record, and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who is naughty and who is nice. IT IS SO Simple!
When the time is up, God shows up and harvests the crop. The wheat is harvested, and the chaff is plowed back into the field. Why is this so hard to understand. The fruitful, beneficial people are saved and can live on, and the malevolent, evil people are uncreated, and destroyed.
Blessed Be Brothers...
Well, as this is a woo woo thread into a site that many people consider woo woo (I don't think that, but I am a member), I think that I can chip in with what I know.
I have been friend for some years with a person that has nothing to loose or win from telling me what she knows. She was a normal woman until she was exposed to contact with what we would call ET, whose saved her from a certain death (something to do with her boyfriend denouncing some gangster). She has been in contact with these ET since. They have told her that what's happening on earth happens almost in every planet, that has cycles. This is the last cycle for earth before it is no longer habitable by persons in the flesh. They confirmed, basically, that many things said by the Maya were right on target. But they are also here to oversee that no external (other less evolved but technologically savvy ETs) or internal (Powers that Be) intervention occurs in the fate of the planet. They have told that there is no way to know exactly what will happen, and they actively work for avoid major disasters (climate and tectonic wise). Once a certain date is achieved, that has nothing to do with their will, but is an astronomical event (they said 12/20/2012 mm/dd/yyyy), Earth will enter into another stage of development, and only those who achieved by then certain level of conciousness (as understanding of the truths beyond the limited and wrong perceptions we have) will remain on earth in a less dense kind of body. Everyone else will reencarnate again in the flesh, but this time, elsewhere, earth won't be available.
I convey this, understanding that is an information that most minds will reject as rubbish. But those who have ears to hear perhaps will gain a bit more of comprehension of what is happening.
Excellent work ChileanOne,
You have the concept down perfect. The Earth is ascending to higher plane of existence. The Earth is a living being on a path of evolution and growth, just as we are. This cycle, the end of the Mayan calendar, is the date when the Earth is ascending from the 3rd density on up to the 4th density for a short time and then on to remain in the 5th density until the end of the next great cycle. Humans will no longer incarnate into the 3rd density on this planet. While Earth will still be visible to 3rd density creatures, and it will appear to be a barren wasteland, much like Mars is now.
2012 is not the end of the world, depending on your perspective. The Elect, or the meek, who follow Gods laws will be ascending with the Earth into the 5th density. This is the Golden Dawn of the Kingdom of God that people have been looking forward to for milenia. However for the Elite, or the bold, this is the Armageddon. Those who live in reckless defiance of Gods laws have a couple of choices. The really, really wicked one are to be uncreated. This is a process of wiping clean all the soul knowledge of the individual. They get a total redo, and start from scratch, nuthin. Then the not so wicked ones must leave Earth and are banished to a 3rd density planet called the Void. There they can make war all they want and not harm the Earth or the Elect. From what I understand they will be taken to the Void in their current physical bodies so that they can remember all that they did to get themselves put there, and have a long, long time to think about it.
The actual processes of ascension will take 20 years, and 2012 is just the start of that process. The Armageddon will happen in the next few years and all the Elite will be banished. This way the elect will have a peaceful world on which to go through the ascension process. There is a lot of information out the on the internet about Nibiru, 2012, and everything stated above. Your rational mind will not like it. There are a lot of mind bending concepts, and you will not be able to accept them at first. Keep reading, you will grow in understanding, and eventually be able to rationally hold these concepts in your mind.
So what does this thread have to do with Overunity? It is the Elite that have suppressed inventions of every kind in order to support their wicked, oil based, New World Order Agenda. When the Elite are banished, and removed from Earth, all of the suppressed inventions will be given to mankind, along with a new "alien" technologies. Our galactic brothers, the "aliens", have been eager to help us, but they are restricted, and have to wait for the Elite to be rounded up and banished before they can help. You will know it when this time comes. Not only will the Elite disappear, but our galactic brothers will come in mass and help us to restore the Earth and the People of Earth to what they should be. This will be an infinite relief to me. Watching the Elite cause unmitigated destruction to the Earth and her People is a terrible, heart wrenching experience for me. My whole life long I have been waiting for the Golden Dawn of the Nation of God, and now it is close at hand.
Blessed Be Brothers...
From what I know The Forces of Light are making a huge effort to preserve all infrastructure. The Internet should continue to operate, was well as electric, gas, and water. The internet and telephony infrastructure is the nervous system of Earth. See this thread.,4255.0.html
Post #14 is about Earth growing a brain, with nerve fibers and neurons.
Blessed Be Brothers..