So What's Wrong with a New World Order?

The Widow's Son just posted a new blog entry at the Burning Taper weblog titled..
'Freemasons Rule the World' : Feed me something new
He was referring to a new website promoting a conspiracy laden movie script. I tried to read it, but their font size and color made it too difficult to bother with. It didn't take much to get the gist of what they were getting at. Here is a link a brief excerpt..
The Establishment Movie Script
The Establishment founding family is Rothchild based in Frankfurt, Germany; a relatively small bank with its beginnings in the 1700’s. By the 1820’s, the Rothchild family became the dominant banking concern of Europe, controlling the fastest growing banking houses in France, England, Austria, Italy and Germany.
Each of the Rothchild brothers controlled a different country; their market dominance within banking is attributed to their alliance with the secret society of Freemasonry.
Rothchild benefited from a vast international network of Freemasonry business and political contacts, and Freemasonry in turn received substantial funds to promote and establish their ‘New World Order’ plans, which can be simply defined as ‘one government administering entire world ’.
This got me thinking about the whole NWO mythology and a comment I have been wanting to make about it for a while. The proponents of the NWO mythology have a fairly wide range of belief systems and motivations.
However, they all share some amount of screwed up neurolinguistic grids.
- They tend to succumb to conspiracy thinking or so called 'logic'. This is a mode of viewing the world where the less evidence there is for something the more likely you believe it to be true. If you say there is a conspiracy and then find a lack of evidence, in some twisted way, this seems to bolster their belief. If they take odd comments and twist them to fit their theory it continues to reinforce their belief as well.
- These are the same folks who believe that entire armies of extremely efficient teams of evil people can perpetuate, in complete secrecy, labyrinthian feats of subterfuge and destruction.
- Often times these are people who hold a fanatical religious conviction and translate ancient biblical texts into literal form. If you want to prove a conspiracy theory you should, at least, not quote the Bible. It was written by primitive men, at the dawn of human civilization, thousands of years ago.
- Missteps in logic, false beliefs, fears, and hopes, guide these individuals to accept as factual evidence the most preposterous of ideas.
- Anyone who dares use logic and reason to combat their theories is either (A) woefully ignorant because he has been duped by the brainwashing of mass media and is not steeped in conspiracy lore and, therefore, their own custom brand of 'evidence' or (B) is part of the conspiracy.
Every time I make a blog post I try to find a relevant picture to put at the top. My favorite way of doing this is to type in a phrase related to what I am discussing into Google and then I go to Google Images to find a single large photograph that catches my eye. I have been known to spend more time looking for the photograph I put at the top of my blog entry than I have actually writing the text itself. Sometime I find really cool images that I don't think I can use right now, but I save them locally to have a library of cool stuff to refer to in the future.
Having typed in the phrase 'New World Order' into Google my attention was immediately drawn to the sponsored clickable ads on the side. Who would be advertising for 'The New World Order'? I know from my experience yesterday that running clickable ads can be very expensive. My first thought was it must be someone promoting a conspiracy book or videos. And, sure enough, that was the case for a few of the ads. What really puzzled me is that some of them linked to ordinary websites and a weblog. Why pay all of that money just to draw people in to hear what you have to say? I guess conspiracy loves company...
What follows are the sites which were advertised based on the keyword phrase'New World Order' along with a brief excerpt from each.
Atheists found it easy to denounce religions. They will tell you: it is simple religions did much more harm than good. In the contrary many religious people find wars prove well the first concept of the three major religions. Adam and Eve were in heaven and Satan tempted them to do the first sin and let them out of heaven. Satan had promised to do the same to their offspring and make them enemies to each other. He succeeded for one good reason people chose to obey
Satan and not God.
One World the Book
One World explains why America's rapid descent is no accident, its virtues and values of yesteryear and the public memory of once great liberties and freedoms, erased like some vast hard drive. Now the anticipated signs of a techno-tyranny are beginning to emerge. Rhetoric about conservative values are used merely to placate the public. A New World Order could arrive virtually overnight and be unlike anything the world has ever seen, affecting every life on the planet and far from the Utopian picture of universal brotherhood we are all being primed to expect.
One World uncovers the deep forces at work. The financial, political, military and spiritual arms of this powerful global agenda have an interlocking purpose that gives it almost irresistible power as history speeds toward world government.
end TimeZ website was created by Christians, dedicated to the proclamation of the TRUTH of the authoritative Word of God, and the urgent message of this web site is made in accordance with the right to freedom of speech. Our prayer ABOVE ALL is that people will see the "lateness of the hour" and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ while there is still time!Suppressed Videos
When you order a video from us, you help another person to find the truth about who is trying to enslave us..Rays of Truth
"Former NASA Scientist Reveals 'ForbiddenTechnologies' That Reverse The Rapid AgingProcess And Exposes Ancient Secrets ThatHave Been SUPPRESSED By Above Government Organizations For Decades!"
Prophecy News Watch
Revelation 13 also mentions the ability of an image of the Antichrist - to somehow come to life and speak. With cloning and other advanced computer technologies it seems there is nothing man can't do.Finally, I would like to close with a few comments about a 'New World Order'. First of all, and let me be clear, Freemasons have nothing to do with a 'New World Order' or any other conspiracy. Sorry to disappoint you, but that is simply the fact of the matter.
Of course, I realize that my denial is pointless. I always said, somewhat jokingly, that why wouldn't anyone want to join the Freemasons if they believed they were in charge of a 'New World Order'? I mean, who wouldn't want to be on the inside track for something like that!!
I'm serious, if you believe the Freemasons are up to no good, are a nefarious bunch of plotters, and out planning on taking over the world, then (presuming that other than these misguided ideals you are really an upstanding and moral individual) I encourage you to petition a Freemason lodge and join. After you have been in it for a while and realize the Blue Lodge does nothing more harmful than pancake breakfasts, dinners for widows, give out scholarships, and spend a lot of time memorizing some ceremonies so they can enjoy their role in an amature theatre group, you take it further.
Of course, the Blue Lodge is filled with quaint and harmless guys, but they are clearly not at the top of the great Masonic pyramid. Next, you can join the Shrine. You will receive an initiation that is remarkably silly, you will be given a funny looking hat and, yes, part of the ritual will suggest that there is only one God, regardless of what your individual religious faith might be. This one God, the Great Architect of the Universe, is not affected by what any individual person might choose to believe of disbelieve about it.
Afterwards, you will be plied with drinks and encouraged to join a club to be a clown or another club to drive around a little car at parades throughout the year.
Well, obviously, the real conspirators don't exist in the Shrine. They only conspiracies they seem to be involved in is figuring out how to go on more booze filled trips.
Next, you can sign up for the Scottish Rite. Imagine being a 32nd degree Mason! What an incredible feat that might be! You will know more than those Blue Lodge guys with just their three degrees and way more than the York Rite a you move up and higher. You will have to learn the secret handshakes and passwords of a total of 32 separate degrees! What mystical knowledge will be transferred? You can only wonder.
How long will it take to reach this high position? What challenges will you face getting there? Well, apparently, what you have to do is write a check for $150. Next, you have to show up for dinner on Friday evening. Once dinner is done you see a couple of plays performed and find out you have advanced several degrees! How exciting. On Saturday you get up bright and early, have a hearty breakfast, and watch some more plays performed. At around 4:00pm in the afternoon you see your final play performed, the 32nd degree. Of course, due to time constraints, you only saw maybe five or so of the degrees 4-32nd. Apparently they aren't that important.
Now that you are a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason what incredible opportunities face you? What new secrets will be yours? Well, what you will find is that every year some of those guys who performed those plays for you are going to die and somebody needs to take their part. Yes, correct again, yet more opportunities to polish your skills as an actor. In fact, at this point it is becoming apparent that the bulk of what Freemasons do is acts as a player in an amature theatre group.
But, ahah, you say. Perhaps you don't know the real secrets because you aren't a 33rd degree Mason. Only those guys know the real stuff. So, now you are ready to go after that prize. First, you will have to help out with the plays. Probably for a lot of years. Next, you will have to donate your time and resources to any number of charitable projects affiliated with the Scottish Rite. Helping out with youth groups is important too. Over time, as you have gained the respect and admiration of your peers you might well be given the high honor of becoming a 33rd degree Mason. What will happen is that you will go into a meeting room with other 33rd degree Masons. They will say lots of nice things about you and praise you for all that you have done to support the institution. Next, they will perform a small play and, afterwards, you will be feted with a fine meal. Once you leave with your new title bestowed you find that there isn't much to do as a 33rd degree Mason, but it was certainly a fine honor.
Now, you could also go the path of the York Rite, which leads up to the honorary title of 'Knight Templar'. You get to participate in many grand plays, memorize more parts, and ultimately get to dress in a snazzy military looking uniform. This will also come with grand titles to your name full of pomp and circumstance.
In fact, the whole thing is a bit like the Society for Creative Anachronism or a Renaissance festival.
Finally, as I close, I would like to get to the point I brought up in the title. When I read about these conspiracy theories about the New World Order I often times wonder, 'So what's wrong with that?'
Are we suggesting that current world order is perfect? The idea of a one world government, so long as it still allows each individual nation to retain its heritage, doesn't sound objectionable to me on the face of it.
I have always found extreme jingoism to be distasteful.
I would like a world where we were all considered part of the same human family. That there were no wars over imaginary borders, no wars over religious hatred, just pretty much no wars at all. A world where we were setting a goal for all to improve our lives and prosperity.
But, hey, what do I know. I know it is totally unrealistic to expect such a change to happen. I'm just saying, what's wrong with the ideal?
Thanks for proving my point.
I dont understand where this is going to leave anyone any more vulnerable than we already are?