I'm heading off to boot camp at Fort Benning Georgia

On Friday my son John is graduating from boot camp with Easy Company, 2nd Battalion - 19th Infantry.
The graduation ceremony is at 9am (Eastern) on Friday. Tomorrow morning I am going to hop into my BMW convertible and make the roughly 12 hour drive straight through in one shot. My friend David Whatley loaned me his GPS which will make the trip run a bit smoother. I will also bring along my XM satellite radio to provide a steady supply of dependable tunes.
Lastly, I plan to bring along a ritual book and finish memorizing the third degree charge and get further on my second degree lecture. I plan to make practical use of my 24 hours stuck in a car.
After my son graduates he is immediately reporting to airborne to continue his training to become an Army ranger. I'm quite proud of his success and I am really looking forward to hearing about his training so far. On Friday evening and Saturday we will be able to spend some quality time together. As always, I plan to take a lot of photographs.
I will be starting my return trip to Saint Louis on Saturday afternoon. After driving for a few hours I plan to stop at the home of one of my Internet brethren the Widow's Son of the Burning Taper blog.
It was very kind of him to offer to host me and I look forward to a pleasant evening of conversation. I'm sure he has a lot to share. It is certainly going to make the return trip a little less boring and make the drive seem a little bit more worthwhile.
That's all I have to report so far. Oh, except that I got a really good lead on my Lake Property today, but it came from Craig's List, not from any of those Google advertisments that keep piling up charges.
More later, maybe I'll even report from the road.