Angela Lansbury and pontoon boating

I was checking the referrals to my site this morning and encountered one of the most strange keyword searches ever performed to get here. I do plan to write a post about all of the referrals I receive since there are many which are amusing. However, I have never seen any search as bizarre as this one.

If you type 'Angela Lansbury and pontoon boating' into Google, apparently, I am the number three result for that phrase. After this post I am sure to be number one. Is Angela Lansbury a big pontoon boater? I don't know. I almost shudder to imagine what could have compelled someone to type this phrase into Google.


Anonymous said…
LOL yeah, someone constantly types "my moms boobs" into google and comes up with my site! I don't know why they are looking for that, but I get the same shudder!

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