This morning I clicked on my friend Rob Wallace's website and downloaded his latest track from the new CD he is working on called Serenity Now II. It's a really nice track called 'Simple Pleasures' and it starts out like a conventional environmental audio piece and then expands from there. Very lovely, and very relaxing, which is the point.
I then started clicking on other parts of Rob's site and got to his game music web page. Of course, this just reminded me of all of the time Rob and I spent working together on music for products during the 90's. They were good times and we created a lot of great art. Rob even had a few sample tracks on his site from Granduer. Granduer was a strange product that was supposed to be an interactive multimedia art gallery. We actually got funded to produce the product, but when it was complete the publisher didn't know what to do with it. I contacted three brilliant artists from the Sedona, Arizona region and created an art gallery presentation of their work. Rob composed original music to accompany each artists work. In addition to this we had other sections on the CD that presented other aspects of the southwest. I contracted Dub Media graphcs to create a completely interactive fully 3d virtual environment for the product. You navigated the art gallery using pre-rendered 3d movies. We featured the artist Sue Krzyston, a brilliant painter of still lifes who is now quite well known in the art world. We currently own several Sue Krzyston prints and display them proudly in our home. We also featured George Molnar a brilliant portrait artist who often paints native americans in their environment. We own several George Molnar prints, including Little Miss and the sold out print Windrush (which I just now discovered was a good investment!) . We also purchased many Molnar greeting cards which we often send to friends on special occasions. We also featured a Sedona Arizona photographer.

When I have more time I will put some of the Granduer material on this site to share with my friends. I still currently own a couple of hundred Granduer CD's. If you want a copy just send me an email and I will get one to you. The sofware may, and or may not, run on a modern computer, but the music will play.
Rob and I worked on quite a few projects together. First I was contracted by Electronic Arts to make a CD-ROM version of SSN-21 Seawolf so I had Rob make high quality tracks for the CD. I will try to track those down and rip some of the tracks as MP3's. The best was track 13, "torpedo frenetic", which was the music that played when a torpedo was about to kill your ass. It's a pounding piano piece that sets your heart racing. A really nice touch.
After SNN-21 Seawolf Rob and I worked on a silly little thing called "Kaleidosonics". I actually got the cover of Dr. Dobbs Journal with this software toy. Rob composed some really cool new age type music to accompany the CD. It was published by Masque Publishing, who was kind enough to actually put this ridiculous thing in the stores. My favorite piece is a track Rob composed for my wedding to my lovely wife Terry, called simply "John and Terry's Wedding Song." I will rip that CD too and put it here on the site as soon as I get a chance. Ha, ha, I was just searching google on "Kaleidosonics" and found a medical reference site which offered it as a download for 'relaxation therapy'. That's great!
After "Kaleidosonics" Rob and I did "Grandeur" together. After that I created the game "Scarab" for Electronic Arts and Rob did a great job composing music for it. After Scarab was done I was no longer under contract with Electronic Arts and went to Simutronics to work on "Cyberstrike 2". And, thus, my days of contracting music ended. Today my son Johnny is really becoming quite the talented composer. He is working on a new song that is really fantastic and has a very rich melody. I would like to buy a MIDI keyboard so he could sequence the song and turn it into a more polished piece.
Well, that's enough rambling today, but lots of links. Lastly, here are the MP3 tracks I ripped off of the Scarab CD. I can post them, because I own the tracks. The first track I am listing here is simply the best. This is an egyptian themed pop tune that is very catchy. The rest are ambient techno-electronica type pieces that all sound great.
Here they are, just right click on the link and do a 'save as'.
Track 6 : Egyptian Pop
Track 5 : Fantastic ambient techno track
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Off of Rob's website. These are a little low-res, I'll upload the full-res ripped tracks later.
Grandeur main title.
Grandeur Finale
I then started clicking on other parts of Rob's site and got to his game music web page. Of course, this just reminded me of all of the time Rob and I spent working together on music for products during the 90's. They were good times and we created a lot of great art. Rob even had a few sample tracks on his site from Granduer. Granduer was a strange product that was supposed to be an interactive multimedia art gallery. We actually got funded to produce the product, but when it was complete the publisher didn't know what to do with it. I contacted three brilliant artists from the Sedona, Arizona region and created an art gallery presentation of their work. Rob composed original music to accompany each artists work. In addition to this we had other sections on the CD that presented other aspects of the southwest. I contracted Dub Media graphcs to create a completely interactive fully 3d virtual environment for the product. You navigated the art gallery using pre-rendered 3d movies. We featured the artist Sue Krzyston, a brilliant painter of still lifes who is now quite well known in the art world. We currently own several Sue Krzyston prints and display them proudly in our home. We also featured George Molnar a brilliant portrait artist who often paints native americans in their environment. We own several George Molnar prints, including Little Miss and the sold out print Windrush (which I just now discovered was a good investment!) . We also purchased many Molnar greeting cards which we often send to friends on special occasions. We also featured a Sedona Arizona photographer.

When I have more time I will put some of the Granduer material on this site to share with my friends. I still currently own a couple of hundred Granduer CD's. If you want a copy just send me an email and I will get one to you. The sofware may, and or may not, run on a modern computer, but the music will play.
Rob and I worked on quite a few projects together. First I was contracted by Electronic Arts to make a CD-ROM version of SSN-21 Seawolf so I had Rob make high quality tracks for the CD. I will try to track those down and rip some of the tracks as MP3's. The best was track 13, "torpedo frenetic", which was the music that played when a torpedo was about to kill your ass. It's a pounding piano piece that sets your heart racing. A really nice touch.
After SNN-21 Seawolf Rob and I worked on a silly little thing called "Kaleidosonics". I actually got the cover of Dr. Dobbs Journal with this software toy. Rob composed some really cool new age type music to accompany the CD. It was published by Masque Publishing, who was kind enough to actually put this ridiculous thing in the stores. My favorite piece is a track Rob composed for my wedding to my lovely wife Terry, called simply "John and Terry's Wedding Song." I will rip that CD too and put it here on the site as soon as I get a chance. Ha, ha, I was just searching google on "Kaleidosonics" and found a medical reference site which offered it as a download for 'relaxation therapy'. That's great!
After "Kaleidosonics" Rob and I did "Grandeur" together. After that I created the game "Scarab" for Electronic Arts and Rob did a great job composing music for it. After Scarab was done I was no longer under contract with Electronic Arts and went to Simutronics to work on "Cyberstrike 2". And, thus, my days of contracting music ended. Today my son Johnny is really becoming quite the talented composer. He is working on a new song that is really fantastic and has a very rich melody. I would like to buy a MIDI keyboard so he could sequence the song and turn it into a more polished piece.
Well, that's enough rambling today, but lots of links. Lastly, here are the MP3 tracks I ripped off of the Scarab CD. I can post them, because I own the tracks. The first track I am listing here is simply the best. This is an egyptian themed pop tune that is very catchy. The rest are ambient techno-electronica type pieces that all sound great.
Here they are, just right click on the link and do a 'save as'.
Track 6 : Egyptian Pop
Track 5 : Fantastic ambient techno track
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Off of Rob's website. These are a little low-res, I'll upload the full-res ripped tracks later.
Grandeur main title.
Grandeur Finale