Vacation Day #6 : Thursday evening, June 26 : This is a continuation of the previous post, concluding with the Thursday night ballgame I took in with my son John. John and Lauren were heading off to Florida the next day for a vacation with their Mom, so this was my last opportunity to do something special just with them. After my fishing trip with Lauren I wanted to do something fun with John.

We went down to the ballpark where the Cardinals were playing the Reds in an exciting matchup. We didn't have tickets so I stopped by the ATM and got a wad of cash. After we parked and headed down to the stadium we almost immediately found a guy with tickets to sell. We were not originally looking for anything that special, but he had 2 field box seats about 20 rows behind home plate. At first he wanted $50 apiece for them, but I told him that was more than I was wanting to spend and asked if he had anything cheaper. Then he came down to face value for the tickets, $40 a pop. That was a deal I couldn't refuse, so I went ahead and bought them.

When we got into the park and sat down the first thing the two guys sitting next to us asked was "How much did you pay for those seats?" I told him 'only' face value and he immediately grinned and informed me he sold him to the guy on the street for $15 a pop. No problem, I said, I was happy to pay face value for such great seats.

It was a very exciting night of baseball, what with Bo Hart the new rookie just called up from the minors hitting about 600 and Albert Pujohls sitting on almost a 400 batting average himself. In the second inning the Cardinals racked up 7 runs and it was an explosive evening all night with a total of 3 home runs to cheer for.

The seats and the view were fantastic. One of the nice things about sitting in really good seats is that the girls who come along as dates tend to dress to the nines. I don't know why it is women dress up the way they do to go to a ball game but it is certainly a distraction. I apologize to anyone offended by the following photographs but to be honest and fair to myself I have to present them as part of the formal record.

The two guys sitting next to us who had sold the tickets to the scalper on the street who then sold them to us. Very nice guys..

My son Johnny enjoying the game

A great shot of the action.

A great shot of the crowd.

This happy fellow was sitting behind us. At first, I thought he was wearing flannel pajama's his mommy had made for him, but he assured us it was an authentic reproduction of the 1908 Cardinals uniform.

I captured this wonderful shot of the stadium, it's a shame that girl was walking past me and messed up the picture.

This cute kid was having a ball at the game, he was sitting right in front of us.

A half drunk hot chick sitting to our left. Notice the lecher staring at her as I innocently snap her photograph. She protested her breasts were too small and insisted I take the following photograph.

More entertaining than the young lady in this picture are the men in the background. As this woman, who apparently had an artifically enhanced bosum, walked up and down the aisle about 200 men turned and stared each way. Come on, if a woman is going to dress like that to go to a ballgame, who am I to dissapoint them by not looking at them when they clearly wanted to be looked at?

This woman was sitting directly behind us. I tried to play a trick and I stood up and pointed the camera pretended to be taking a photograph of my son, when I was in fact scoping this guys girlfriend. After reviewing the snapshot I'm pretty sure I didn't fool anyone.

These two hot girls were flirting with everyone in the stadium, especially a group of horny boys somewhere up in the terrace level. Once again, note the lecherous bastard in the baseball hat enjoying every minute of the exhibition.

After the game was over with a big Cardinals win I snapped this shot just as Johnny was getting into the car. I really like how this one turned out.

Tomorrow, if I have time, I will try to revise my vacation journal with my Friday report. I spent the day showing my best friend John Obershelp, and his lovely wife Alisa and two kids Hans and Mason, a day of swimming, boating, BBQ, and movie showing on the lake.

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