Dr. Steven Greer ET Apologist and General Bullshit Artist
This post is a reprint of a rant. Actually, what I was originally planning to do was to write a brand new lemon freshened rant. However, as I began, I remembered that I had already ranted on this topic ten years ago. I did a quick search on the Internet and, sure enough, there was my old rant just sitting there waiting to be resurrected.
I used to be interested in UFOs, heck, I guess I still am. That is, if the UFOs would ever do anything interesting. But, really, they don't. And now with the kind of advanced video editing software and photo-imaging tools available it is literally impossible to ever know if anything is 'real' or 'fake' any more. The best you can do is either (A) see a UFO for yourself or (B) believe somebody who tells you a UFO story. That's about all there is to it. No real proof one way or another until the UFOs end their cover-up.
I don't know why, but I picked up a book titled 'Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge' by Dr. Stephen M. Greer. Yeah, that Stephen Greer. Obviously I had an opinion about this guy a decade ago but I thought it would be funny to read what he had to say after all this time had passed.
This particular book is largely auto-biographical in nature and, for the first time, Dr. Greer 'fully discloses' himself. And,boy does he! We learn that Dr. Greer saw a UFO at a young age, later had a near death experience where he came in contact with 'cosmic consciousness' and next levitated and performed other miracles (some Christ-like in nature). He dedicated himself to transcendental meditation and was able to enter in and out of enlightenment states almost at will.
He also learned how to 'summon' UFOs by projecting his desire through meditation. He would think real hard and then about 30 minutes later a UFO would show up that some other people might see as well. He assures himself, and us, that the UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial spaceships from other planets but fails to find any conflict with how a spaceship can travel the Universe in 30 minutes based on a guy meditating. I guess he never thought to ask....
In fact, he fails to ask a whole lot of things. He is certain, based on his cosmic experiences, that the UFO entities are kind and friendly beings. However, he fails to ever question their actions, motivations, or behavior. Nor does he acknoweldge the simple fact of the matter that the UFOs hold all of the cards in this game and not only control the 'cover-up' but also the alleged 'technology' involved.
Rather than wasting his time and energy railing against secret government agencies perhaps he should ask a critical question or two of his alien ascended masters?
His book goes on with nonsense so absurd, so bizarre, and so irrational that it is no wonder I stopped following the topic before.
At any rate, what follows is my original rant posted on the Internet over 10 years ago in April of 1997.
A Night in a Cornfield
(A typical evening with Dr. Steven Greer and his Alien Masters)
John W. Ratcliff
I would like to post a brief rebuttal to the recent upload regarding the organization CSETI. CSETI provided this document titled "CSETI is Science, not Cult" to defend their "good name", but I'm afraid it does nothing but reinforce the idea that it is nothing but a new age UFO cult.
Don't get me wrong here. I am not so much "anti-CSETI" as I am pro-science, and what CSETI is doing is anything but science. A point made shockingly clear simply by examining their written material.
In the second sentence of the CSETI statement the following declaration is made:
"CSETI believes that the extraterrestrial hypothesis is not just a theory, but is a fact of life."
CSETI believes the extraterrestrial "hypothesis" it not a "theory", but a proven "fact"? I think it's time to go back to the dictionary and look up the meaning of the words "hypothesis", "theory", and "fact".
CSETI "believes" the hypothesis to be fact? Not unlike the belief some people have that Jesus walked on water? Or that a UFO trails Hale Bopp because professional daydreamers get hysterical on the Art Bell program?
I'm sorry, but unless CSETI can cite proofs of the extraterrestrial hypothesis it is far from a proven fact. I would grant, and many others would too, that there is overwhelming evidence to support the existence of a legitimate "unknown" phenomenon in the enigma we call UFO.
However, it would indeed take a cultist to adopt a belief system of benign extraterrestrials in the face of the overwhelming evidence gathered over the years that the phenomenon is none of the above. And now we have a pseudo-scientific organization, one that practices all manner of mystical new age incantations, promoting this "belief as fact" ........based on, what, faith, dogma, a persuasive leader?
Let us continue....
"CSETI is attempting to perform real time research of UFOs and ETs by employing specific techniques and prearranged methods of attraction, or as CSETI's director Dr. Steven Greer calls it "vectoring in an ET's spacecraft to a carefully chosen research site."....
I like that one, "vectoring in ET's spacecraft...."
Understand here, that I did not make this stuff up. This is CSETI's own language, to defend themselves from accusations of cult status, if you can believe that.
Their contactee leader is Steven Greer, who "believes" that UFOs are ET spacecraft, and may be "vectored in" (and I quote) by:
"powerful lights"...
"playing sounds..."
Can I explain something here? An extraterrestrial in a spacecraft several hundred light years away is not going to respond to Steven Greer shining a flashlight in the sky. If Steven Greer goes out into a field at night, and shines a flashlight in the sky, are we to presume (since ET spaceships are a proven fact) that the flashlight sends a beam out into the sky, and somehow, hundreds of light years away this flashlight is seen by a sentient race?
Picture this.......
An alien is just getting off of work; he's had a long hard day, and stops by the pub for a drink. He leaves a few hours later, after many long laughs with his alien buddies, and stumbles towards his Sports Model UFO in the parking lot when, suddenly, he gets blinded by Steven Greer's flashlight, 100 light-years away.....
Instantly, he knows what to do.
Still a little wobbly from the hard night of drinking, he jumps into his spaceship and, realizing that Steven Greer was shining his flashlight 100 years ago, sets his warp-drive to time travel. He goes back in time to flit about a field, at a distance, to amuse Steven Greer.
Our alien friend likes the nice music, and enjoys manipulating human belief systems.
He dances around in his UFO at a great distance, carefully simulating the running lights of airplanes from a nearby airport. On one occasion he actually approaches the pathetic humans very close and fries their brains with a microwave transmitter. They jump around like island savages in awe of the White Man as he sits offshore in his large sailing ship. Our alien pal manages to disable all recording devices and makes certain to leave no tangible evidence of his visit.
Soon our alien cousin begins to tire of playing these pathetic games, so he warps back to his own society, place, and future. His UFO glides into the driveway of his three story suburban alien house (remember ET spacecraft are a proven fact) and walks in the front door, bellowing a bit of lost humor "Aaay, Lucy, I'm hooommmme."
His bemused and surprisingly beautiful wife gives him a warm smile to acknowledge his odd attempt at homo sapiens humor. Seeing him like this, full of pride from his nights adventures, reminded her why she loved him so much. Lucy recalled that she had always been faithful to her husband except for that one dalliance with Antonio Villas Boas, "Ah, my sweet, sweet, Antonio she sighed", an elvish twinkle sparkling in her beautiful black eyes.
After his long night of carousing our alien master pours himself and his lovely alien wife a drink, the moral equivalent of an earth martini. He pats his three hybrid children on the head, and then sits in his easy chair regaling his wife with stories of those pathetic and idiotic humans on that crazy planet 100 light-years away and a hundred years ago in the past.
This is just a typical night for Steven Greer "vectoring in ET Spacecraft" with lights, meditation, and groovy tunes. Selling out the soul of humanity as he prostrates himself like an island savage before the machinations of the denizens of hyperspace.
There is a real UFO phenomenon. It is also multifaceted. It is no single thing. And we have no idea what it is. However, it does appear to involve non-human sentience, and it does have a very dismal track record of interference throughout human history. To embrace it in light of that track record is neither wise, nor particularly encouraging for the human race.
Since Brother Greer has decided to act as my spokesman in the face of these alien hordes, I would kindly ask him to refrain from inviting these entities into our lives, quit make excuses for their abuses, and concentrate solely on the legitimate issue of institutionalized secrecy inside the military industrial complex, which really has gotten out of control.
His real concern needs to rest with his ET buddies. They have it within their power to end the ‘cover-up’ at a moments notice; but they choose not to. They have it within their power to give sekrit technology to mankind that would alleviate our current energy crisis. They choose not to.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s a good thing that the US military is keeping tabs on these devious creatures. Just as they fool and manipulate Steven Greer they continue to practice their mind games on the rest of the populace.
The great UFO cover-up is not conducted by the US gummint, it is conducted by the operators of the UFOs.
I really hope that Dr. Steven Greer begins to gain a little bit of self-respect for himself and his own species and stop prostrating himself before these denizens of hyperspace.
Ever thought it might be a better approach to investigate rather than just refute? This just shows your closed-mindness on potential life changing issues.
That said, I also think that Dr. Steven Greer is a kook who has lost all capacity for rational thought.
I hope that clears things up for you.
Excellent copy. Dr Greer a saucer shaped turd.