My Apologies to Dr. Steven Greer

I just finished reading all of Dr. Steven Greer's book titled 'Hidden Truth : Forbidden Knowledge' and I feel like I owe the man a bit of an apology.
Let me say first and foremost that I think Dr. Steven Greer is probably a really nice fellow. I'm sorry if my posts containing extreme sarcasm motivated by my penchant for rationalism caused him any personal discomfort.
Having read all of Dr. Greer's quite personal book I now feel like I understand him a bit better. At the end of the day Dr. Greer is just one of your warm and fuzzy New Age types and, gosh darn it, I love New Age type people. Even though my rational mind objects I can't escape the fact that they are often more pleasant, warm, entertaining, and delightful to have as friends than your average person.
At first when I was reading Dr. Greer's book I felt like grabbing a highlighter and marking passages so I could write a scathing blog post about it. What better way to prove my point than using his own words to damn him with a rhetorical brush?
Yet as I continued on, allowing myself to become caught up in his personal reality tunnel ,I just grew more and more amazed. How could I excerpt any part of his writings to make my point when pretty much the entire book, word for word, makes the case strongly enough on its own?
Dr. Greer reveals a lot about himself personally. He tells us of his own personal near death experience and contact with cosmic consciousness. We learn how he levitated, performed healing miracles, and travels via his astral body on a regular basis; even so far as consulting Bill Clinton in his dreams.
Dr. Greer, Universal Mind bless him, has lost all contact with concepts of rational thought, logic, reason, or any sense of balance and perspective in assimilating his personal world-view. He is all over the map and, at all times, playing the part of high-guru to those who would follow him on his quest.
My original perspective remains the same. If the UFOs limit themselves to flitting about and not interfering with our daily lives then they are not that important to you, me, or anyone else. As much as Dr. Greer lashes out against the shadow government and their suppression of the UFO truth and sekrit teknology, he could just as easily transfer that anger at the alleged UFOnauts themselves. According to his logic the UFOs have it within their power to end the cover-up and share technology to the masses at a moments notice.
In fact, as frequently as Greer appears to communicate with these denizens of hyperspace I would prefer he spend more time and energy trying to convince those guys rather than worry about elements of some alleged nefarious human agencies. Dr. Greer can call up UFOs at will, according to his own testament, yet fails to ever get one to land on the front-lawn of the White house during broad-daylight for the TV cameras. Me-thinks Steven should ask his UFO buddies a favor.
But, like Steven, I digress. I come from the Greg Cambell school of UFO'ology. I don't really care whether UFOs are real or not or, even, what kind of 'real' they might really be. I am far more fascinated by the human mythologies that arise from the beliefs people create around these phenomena.
With that in mind, there is no richer mine of mythology than the stream of consciousness ramblings of Dr. Steven Greer in this truly strange book. I'm fairly confident that Steven actually believes a whole lot of the things he says. What I am also confident of is that just as odd, strange, and unsubstantiated are Steven's beliefs, so are those of thousands of others he interacts with who are quite ready to reinforce his personal psychoses.
I have no doubt that Dr. Greer has spoken to many people in his life who have, in turn, told him some strange and odd tales. Dr. Greer is the greatest collector of ghost stories for our modern age. (For example, when he reveals that once an engineer got high enough into the UFO inner circle he was required to swear an oath to Satan.)
He reveals an unending stream of truths that few of us know about. We learn that Marylin Monroe was murdered because she was going to reveal the secrets of UFOs, as were the Kennedy brothers. We learn that NASA has detailed photographs of alien bases on the far side of the moon and has a team of people who photoshop the evidence out. We learn that alien abductions are conducted by covert military groups to give aliens a bad name. We are told that the 'Face on Mar's is a real alien artifact.
Revelations include the fact that the US was going to explode a nuclear bomb on the moon but the aliens knocked it out of the sky. We hear story, after story, after story, that goes on page in and page out seemingly without end. It is all told with an open-gaped mouth willing to accept any and all stories, rumors, and astral body projections as unassailable fact.
In fact, the only thing Steven Greer is certain is wrong is the idea that these alleged UFO/ET could possibly be 'bad guys'. They are, at all times, loving and advanced deeply spiritual beings who shift in and out of inter dimensional hyperspace, sighing and tut-tutting at us for our poor behavior.
It would be impossible to catalog all of the wild ideas and assertions in Dr. Greer's book, as you would really have to reprint the entire thing.
However, in the end, I can't be mad at Dr. Greer. Some of his efforts at opening up a dialogue on the topic have been positive and in the few cases where he has gotten semi-rational and reputable individuals to discuss the topic he has done a real service.
He has led a fascinating and interesting life and I, for one, am glad I got to spend a few hours trying to look at the world through his psychedelic eyes.
Now, as I close, I do want to comment on a particular point that Dr. Greer brought up in his own closing. Throughout most of Dr. Greer's book he really gets hot and bothered about his belief that certain high placed individuals in power have a strong eschatological bent, to such an extent that they are actually shaping policy on it. To be frank, I have had this own concern myself and this isn't the first time I have heard of it. As the 'Left Behind' series and other 'end of the world' craziness consumes our population and, at the same time, religious fundamentalist populate the White house and corridors of power, I have a real concern that elements of the current administration might honestly believe they can hasten Christ's return by starting the 'end-game' on their own.
Like I said, I didn't hear this idea just from Greer's book.
So, after reading hundreds of pages of Steven acting very concerned about this I was rather shocked to find out that, in the closing of his book, he starts promoting his own eschatological visions in all of their glory!
He reveals his own visions from the 1970's all of the way up to today which project violent earth-changes that decimates the population of the planet. All of this leads me to think of the ominous tone reflected in the Georgia Guide stones which appear to be a message for the post-apocalyptic world.
In the end, all I can say is I apologize to Dr. Steven Greer. You may be as fruity as a, well, fruitcake, but I know your heart is probably in the right place. I apologize for being logical, rational, and completely devoid of all contact with the astral realm. I may not understand you New Age types but, God knows, I love you all to death. It's folks like you that make life entertaining for people like me.
My advice to the script writers of America, get Dr. Greer's book and start stealing. There is enough mythology in this tome to create any number of TV series, fictional novels, and movie thrillers out of it.
Of course, I would advise those interested in the 'truth' not to actually look for it. The truth can be much less exciting than Dr. Greer's version of reality. See link.
Anyway, thats in a whole other dimension, like religion etc. We just cant give people crap because they believe in things we think is silly. If we could do that, we had to prove their claims wrong. All of it. Like proving that God didnt exist...
You should reconcider anyway.
The work he is doing RIGHT NOW, with new energy systems is way more realistic & facinating, if not cruical.
The fact that they are very well organized, funded & connected stands out alone, compared to the disclosure project. They have gathered around 200 scientists & alot of intel, and have planned this in every way. Greer & his fellows have evovled into a multi-million company, wich have just started to produce vaccum-energy or zeropoint-energy solutions to the problems and hazards of our current energy, coal,oil & gas. This will change the world in such a tremendous way. It would probably be the end of powerty,war & polution. So you`re actually right. Greer is a fruitcake, he`s actually so nuts he`s going propel the earth into a future with endless possibillities.
Check it out...
(--"SPEAKING"--) OF :)
To All the Young and Us and Terra: Starchilds out there: Its
easy for us to see The Truth, we know We are One. Its hard for us to teach The Truth, they think I am One. Now in future, 8 years past the start We are teaching Us: WE are ALL ONE.
Times are changing people. Those of you who have an eerie feeling, has had since birth, Will know The Truth very soon. Then the rest of us will learn from them, the children & Teenagers. Many wise-men & women also knows, but they are using the ancient techniques & already have known Truth since The Beginning. Dr. Greer & Moon from the UN are one of them.
Start watching the real news, news of the people, Aljazeera. The East, West, North & South are joined in higher places. Time has come for evolution. All religions & Races on Terra will become ONE.
You think everything is black and white.
Is life really that scary to you?
All I can say is you should open up because you are in for a big surprise that took me thirty years of serious research and experimentation to see what is about to happen (not just with UFO's).
I pray for your sake you're a quick learner.
All the data, from hundreds of thousands of scientists, demonstrates to even the just-slighty-sceptical that it is inconceivable that we're being "visited" in such a bizarre way as the UFO myth defines.
In simple terms, it's a long way for "ETs" to come just to hide in the shadows acting exactly like all the other supernatural beings humans have thought up. "Belief" in UFOs, is just tramping the old path worn to Thor, or Odin, or any two or Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha.
Saddest of all is the atheist who believes in UFOs. That's called "Displacement". If a psyche needs belief, it should go join some sort of charitable church group instead.
Where do the Aliens come from? Dr. Greer says he doesn't know and doesn't care. Where is the video and pics of the UFO's that have visited him and his group? And Yes I agree with the blogger, Why doesn't the Aliens park their UFO on the Capital lawn and see if Prez. Obama and the Mrs. want to go out for a space dinner on the dark side of the moon?
I'm not here to say that UFO's don't exist or that Dr. Greer isn't half right. If the Dr. wants people to help and join the bandwagon and demand the US government release UFO files then stop with the extra talk of what is thought as craziness to the average person who thinks UFO's exist. Even if everything is true what the Dr is elaborating on, it just comes out as craziness unless we see proof that UFO's do exist. Once that happens I think people can take the next step. Peace of the Universe. We are One. That's all the next step. Let's just prove the fist step please!
I'm still not convinced that Aliens are from outer space. They could be our future. To me it would be feasible to invent a time machine before traveling through worm holes. And If I were the future why not send so called robots made out of some sort of silicon flesh (Greys) to collect data. The greys could be an advancement of a robot. And Of course the aliens are only to observe and make sure we do not annihilate the Earth because if we do we destroy them for they are the future.
It's time for the truth! From the government and for the UFO enthusiast. Tone it down! Stop talking rhetoric! Take it one step at a time. Let's just prove UFO's exist then once that happens we will go from there.
With North Korea playing with nukes now. Now would be the time for a Big UFO to fly over there and show their presence.
Gosh! Such integrity! Why even bother allowing identities in the first place?
Let's just make everything completely hollow and pointless by saving a few keystrokes...
It's not as if people might find commenting important enough to leave some form of online signature with their scribbles.
It's not like any of us would backtrack to some of owner's blogs or websites to see what they might have to contribute to the big picture in general...
Or perhaps blogger ID's on comments just might be a really good idea?
Greer is all up in arms about this shadow government keeping all the best ET technology to themselves (the selfish jerks!), but so what? He can contact the ETs any time he wants! Why doesn't he ask them for free energy? I mean they obviously let these 'evil' people have the technology and he claims those evil people even used it to DESTROY ET Craft!! Apparently, those aliens are SO BENIGN that they want even do anything about these evil earth people shooting their ships down with bits of their own technology (one would assume that "bits" of technology wouldn't even come CLOSE to the thousands or millions of years of tech the aliens have, but they just let Evil Military Earth People shoot down their ships and they don't get angry about it or take it away from those people and YET they don't share any of that same technology (say the free energy/zero point stuff) with their good buddy Dr. Greer! But they will show up at his prayer requests and do odd things like flash lights at him and fly outside his window (they must have nothing better to do on Earth than play flashlight games with Dr. Greer since they supposedly show up constantly and yet do nothing useful to help his cause; it reminds me of Zaphod Beeblebrox crashing earth parties and buzzing people to scare them because it's good fun, maybe after downing a few Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters?)
Oh yeah, where is all this footage and photographs again? Why were they not shown when he was on Larry King Live? Why didn't he summon an ET to be on the show with him for that matter since he's so good at contacting them? Why didn't he just levitate while he was on Larry King Live for that matter? He said he can do it, after all!
Now *I* am being unfair? HOW? I'm just stating the TRUTH. What Dr. Greer writes is ILLOGICAL given his own claims about footage, photos and his ability to communicate with the aliens. Yet EVERYONE ELSE in the ET community are "stupid" or "evil" or "disinformation sources" or whatever. Gee, I'm sure all those people are thrilled to know that he thinks THEY are all whack jobs or sinister sources of disinformation. The Mayan calendar predicts the end of this age (and maybe a mankind 'reset' with it? They are benign friendly aliens, though. humanity will be "good" for us since we are clearly on the wrong track and should go back to the garden and start all over again! This is the 4th time already, after all.
"All of this has happened before and it will all happen again!" -Information Society "Seek 200" (aka the religious theme for Battlestar Galactica)
But the bizarre claims made by Greer aren't just about what's technologically possible. He's making all kinds of ludicrous claims about human behaviour and society. Like that some inner circle of the US government is planning to stage a hoax alien attack using robotic aliens and hallucination-producing electro-magmetic signals in an attempt to unite us all in their new world order. This is absolutely ridiculous.
I am intrigued by all the UFO sightings around the world, but have no time for this nonsense about new world orders. People like Greer are doing the movement a disservice.
Attention UFO fanatics: find yourself someone more credible to head your movement and then everyone might take it seriously.