The Troy DeMolay newsletter for Summer 2007

After receiving a lovely plaque at State Conclave acknowledging our newsletter I felt so bad about not getting a new one out until now. First I had my vacation and that just really consumed me for all of June and July. I have been working on this newsletter in bits and pieces for several weeks now and I am glad to see that it is finally done. Here is the link.
I really try to treat it as much like a photo album as anything else. If you don't really know what DeMolay is about I encourage you to take a look at this newsletter. When you see the genuine fun these young people are having, all of the time in a healthy and wholesome atmosphere, you just feel amazement that an organization like this can thrive in our current culture.
In just a couple of weeks my own son will compete to become the next Moolah Shrine King. He gets to escort a young lady from the Rainbow for Girls and get all dressed up in a tuxedo. There will be dinner and a dance and a lot of fun. The Moolah Shrine King and Queen are featured in the Moolah Shrine Circus parade next spring.