Craig Ferguson American Patriot

Literally unbelievable. I made a post about comedian Craig Ferguson about a week ago. Since then I set my Tivo to record a season pass for the show and have watched a week of repeat episodes. In so doing, I caught a number of his older episodes and confirmed that, yes, it wasn't a fluke, he is a genuinely a very funny guy who would give John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Steve Carrel a run for their money (simultaneously).
Last night all three shows returned from vacation and all three shows were equally entertaining. Tonight, however, was something different. Craig Ferguson is currently trying to become an American Citizen. As it often seems to happen, those who are seeking citizenship to this great nation are much more informed, patriotic, and inspired than the average native citizen. (Cynicism has not yet sunk in...)
Since today is the anniversary of the attack of '9-11' Craig decided it was inappropriate to do a comedy sketch about Brittany Spears and her less than perfect abs during her recent performance. (Personally, for a MILF, I thought she looked great....but I digress.)
Craig quoted the Gettysburg Address of Abraham Lincoln during his monologue and, once again, produced a powerful oratory that resonated more strongly than any one else in the news media today.
In a previous post I humorously anointed Craig Ferguson as an honorary Freemason, but I see now I have made a mistake. He is already, in my mind, an honorary 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason for his incredible contributions to this nation; even if you have to stay awake until 1am in the morning to hear it.
Why is it that those who lack citizenship demonstrate such a profound understanding of the purpose and history of this great nation while the rest of the 'natives' know nothing about the country they live in? Is it just so they can serve as comedy fodder for the styling's of comedian Jay Leno as he profiles the ignorance of the average American idiot?
Personally, I wonder if perhaps Craig Ferguson is a bit too high minded of a patriot to become an American Citizen? I'm afraid that once he joins our tired and unwashed masses he will succumb to the banal suburban cynicism that grips us all.
Nevertheless, I am glad that he feels the power of the purpose of this great nation and is bothering to verbalize it even yet today. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I am foolish. I still feel that all of the great ideals that created this nation are also embedded within and championed by the spirit of Freemasonry. I can only pray that this is true, otherwise I couldn't be a member.
Let us be frank here for a moment. For most of my life I have been identified as an atheist, sometimes self-described as an atheist, and most definitely I do not embrace much of anything any organized religious dogma tries to promulgate. Within the Freemason lodge I find the presence of the 'Holy' bible disconcerting and remain uncomfortable with the numerous references to it withing our ritual. (Let's be honest, it is most certainly *not* my VSL)
So, how can I embrace this institution and feel so comfortable aligning myself with it? It is almost always comes down to the fact that deists such as Benjamin Franklin were members and were able to reconcile their beliefs with the institution.
I hope someone posts a YouTube video of Craig Ferguson's monologue from this evening. It was incredibly inspirational.
Also, I hear anecdotally that Honorary Brother Craig Ferguson, trolls the Internet for mentions of his own name in the Blogosphere. If so, I encourage him to research the intersection between enlightenment principles, Freemasonry, the founding fathers, and the documents that created this nation.
Somehow I think he might find an intersection with his own personal ideology as well.
Brother John
Apparently Craig commented about 9-11 on both Monday night and Tuesday evening. Here is what he had so say on Monday and I hope I can get a copy of his Tuesday monologue online soon. It was Tuesday night that he quoted the Gettysburg address.
Here is a link to a newstory about the monologue.
Here is a link to a video file (WMV) of his monologue.