My daughter Lauren is insanely talented. She can draw, paint, play the piano, french horn, guitar, perform and excels academically. For the past week she (and her partner Chris) have been working incredibly hard on a school project. Her class read the classic Ray Bradbury short-story Farenheit 451 and had to do either a written report or produce a video segment. And, not just any video, a twenty-five minute long production! Lauren and a number of her friends are in an improv group and enjoy performing (in fact they were in a competition this past weekend) so they all really got into the idea of producing their videos.
Since I have a video editing setup on my home computer she did all the production here. She worked late each night and taught herself how to use the software. Finally, last evening, she came down to the wire trying to finish it up. I stayed up with her until 2am to make sure she had a working copy to turn in. Meanwhile I don't think she went to bed until 4am herself.
Lauren turned it in today and it will be shown in class sometime this week.
I am so incredibly impressed with what what she and her partner Chris put together that I have decided to upload it to my site. It is about a 70mb windows media video file. It shows great creativity and as well as a lot of real insight into their original topic. Obviously producing a full 25 minute video was a bit daunting. They went to a shopping center and did street interviews and even sat school teachers down for ambush. They included all kinds of cuts, graphics, sound effects, music, and transitions. They wrote and performed their scripted parts as well as did spontaneous interviews. Sure, it's a bit raw but realize that my daughter had never shot a video in her life and had never so much as touched video editing software either.
I am going to post the link here so my daughter's friends, who were not in the class, can watch it.
Here is the link.
I am sorry to hear about your father's illness, but am glad to know that the surgery was a success. May God smile upon him and your family as he recovers.
Widow's Son
The Burning Taper