Freemason Pink Tutu

Holy crap! I am the number one hit on the internet for the phrase 'pink tutu freemasonry'. Worse than that is the realization that someone intentionally typed this in as a search request on Google to get to my site. What's even stranger is that there are 361 hits for that search phrase.
How weird is that? I am the number one hit because I wrote a review of the horrific piece of trash called "Cremaster". In my review for that film I pointed out how the imagary included a Freemason in a tutu; or something like that at least.
As you can see I changed the layout of this blog. I also added a bunch of links. I did this for two reasons. First, I cannot raise the 'valuation' of my blog on 'Blogshares' unless I 'exchange links' with other participating blogs. Now, since I have a long list of 'favorites' anyway, it is convenient for me to just post them on my blog as well.
Tomorrow evening I will be attending my regular lodge meeting at Naphtali #25 where we will be voting on a petition that I presented. One of my friends at work is joining my lodge and I am proud to be his first-line signer. I think it is going to be a good fit; he is an engineer and also a huge American history buff. As well, his father and grandfather were both Freemasons. I believe he will really enjoy the rich history of the fraternity; especially since he will be initiated at the New Masonic Temple. On March 30th we will be holding a special meeting to confer his first degree and I will be giving the charge for the first time. I'm really looking forward to it!
On Friday evening I will be taking Adam, Dennis, my wife Terry, my daughter Lauren, and her friend Sam to see 'Rent' at the Fabulous Fox Theatre. I know virtually nothing about the musical so I'm looking forward to having the experience cold.
On Saturday I will be throwing, what is turning out to be, a giant Texas Hold 'Em tournament at my house. I'm expecting at least 40 people; which translates to an $800 pot. We are also making it a 'dress-up' party to make it more fun.
That's all for this evening. Let's see how much the valuation of my website grows now that I have hyperlinked the hell out of my blog.
I had no idea St. Louis had a Fabulous Fox Theatre.
The Atlanta Fox Theatre is a former Shrine Temple, built along a Persian theme, with minarets, onion domes, etc.
The theatre seats 4,000-5,000 people. After its completion, the Shriners made a deal with movie mogul William Fox, who at that time was building movie "palaces" in Detroit, St. Louis, Brooklyn and San Francisco. He made this his Southeastern jewel with minor alterations in the original blueprints, says the Fox's website.
It was rescued from demolition several times, and is now once again the opulent theatre it once was. In fact, "Rent" will be playing here soon after it leaves St. Louis.
The theme is radically different than the one here which is a bizarre (but strangely beautiful) oriental byzantine theme.