
How strange. There is a Fantasy site that allows its users to buy, sell, and trade 'shares of stock' in weblogs. I found out that my own personal web log has a current valuation of $3,652.71.
I have already had fun tracking hits to the site, so this could be neat too. I am trying to spread some memes lately, what with launching my fundraising and coding website, so I will probably register all of them. It will be fun to watch my weblog portfolio grow.
Speaking of hits to this site. I have had some interesting search requests in the past day or so.
Here are a couple of the curious ones:
"suppository picture"
"freemasons scottish rite cult shriners"
"John Miles software developer seattle"
"the last starfighter star"
"child molester" website sting "chat rooms"
"organized use the disorganized freemasonry"
"google images faiths boobs"
"divinci Code Hoax"
"kitzbuel camping"
"dan bell the divinci code"
"Buddy Ebson intoxicated oz"
"Lake of the Ozarks Yard Sculptures"
"Posting erotic video blog"
Quite an interesting collection of search phrases. Of course I am creating a reinforcement feedback loop by posting these searches back into my blog. Scary that.
My daughter Lauren finally got to present her video in class yesterday. She said it got a few laughs and she made an A. You can't argue with that.
Ok, so here is an update to this blog entry.
First of all, I have no clue how 'Blog Shares' works. This blog has been on Blog Share for two years. However, it wasn't 'listed' because I had not put the link on the site. In fact I had no idea that BlogShare even existed.
When I made my account I got $500 of play money to trade and I just purchased as many shares of stock in my own blog as a I could; which was only like 238 shares of the 5,000 outstanding.
Well, apparently, somehow or another the big players in the system got wind of this 'action' and a guy named 'warmonger' worth billions and billions of virtual dollars, bought all of my remaining shares.
In just this one day my stock went from $1.68 a share to something like $17 a share. This guy Warmonger bought all of my outstanding shares, then turned right around and 'gifted' to me a bunch of shares. I can only assume because according to the game rules somehow this will ultimately raise the price of the stock for him.
I have no clue. All I know is at 7am this morning I had $500 in virtual money and by the end of the day I have $46,000 or so. What is interesting is that my blog has been 'on the market' for two years but all this activity was trigged by my 'listing' of the site; presumably.
Dunno, but there are no shares left in this blog. You might want to snarf up shares in my other ones. I believe the 'Code Suppository' is a major growth opportunity.
Holy Crap! I just found out my friend David Metzener's blog is worth over $4,000 a share and is totally sold out.
* I like the new blog-look. Much easier to read.
* I signed up the Burning Taper yesterday on BlogShares but like you, couldn't really figure out what was going on. When it told me to claim YOUR blog and not mine, I just got totally confused.
* I'm hoping it's just an oversight that you didn't link to the The Burning Taper in your new list off to the right side there....
Keep up the good work!
Yeah,the blogshares software is confusing. If you make an announcment on the forums that you are 'new' and post your ID, people will give you some free money to get started. Also, if you pay $15 for the premium service people will be more inclined to give you some stock.
I have been having fun buying up stock in all of my friends websites. I am looking forward to the day when they wonder "what is this blogshares thing is that is bringing traffic to my site?" and find out that all of the shares have been sold to me.
Needless to say, I own many shares in the Burning Taper already.
By cross-linking these sites with recipricol links is what will greatly increase your valuation.
It actually is a nice tracking service because you can follow who is cross-linking you across the interent and easily browse through that chain of relationships.
It's more interesting as a social networking site than for the somewhat silly money game aspect of it.