Well, I had fun with the first day of my fundraising website. I raised about $75 in the first day, which was a lot more fun and a lot easier than selling candy bars. Of course, most of this money came from pimping my friends for a dime, but they seemed to enjoy it too.
None of my Online Freemason friends have donated yet but I am hopeful they will demonstrate some of that brotherly love and throw a few bucks to support a DeMolay chapter. The most fun I have had with the site so far is adding a post to the blog each time someone makes a donation.
Other than that things are just crazy wicked busy at work. My new code snippets website got about 400 hits in the first day, which was nice to see. I posted a new snippet this evening and will try to upload quite a few over the coming weeks until I run out of them. Then, I suppose, I will actually have to write some new code!
I convinced one my co-workers to join Naphtali lodge with me. His father and grandfather were both Masons. He is also a huge American History buff and I think he will get a big kick out of the experience. If all goes as planned we will vote him in on March 16th and confer a first degree at a special on March 30th at the New Masonic Temple. I'm really looking forward to it because I will act as the senior steward and confer the first degree charge for my first time. On this Saturday my lodge is hosting a Lodge of Instruction by the Grand Lecturer of the State of Missouri from 9am till about 3pm. We will practice the first, second, and third degrees! Afterwards, at 3pm, all Master Masons present will get a complete tour of the building. I plan to take a lot of pictures!!
Tomorrow night I am going on an committee of investigation for a prospective member of my mother lodge, Wentzville #46. Also, on Sunday, my daughter is having her 16th birthday party at my friend David Whatley's house. David has an indoor swimming pool which is just what she wanted the most for her special day.
I have received a lot of RSVP's for the big Texas Hold 'Em party on March 18th and I am expecting at least 40 people! That should add up to over an $800 pot!
Finally, I have agreed to host the Saturday Night Screening Room event for the month of May, on May 20th. Keep that reserved on your calendar as I will be showing my pristine print of 'Back to the Future'. Depending on the interest I get from the members and if I can get my Xenon projector fixed, it might even be an outdoor showing around the swimming pool!