Photograph Galleries Indexed

I finally got around to performing a small task have been meaning to take care of. Over the past few years of running this blog I have posted a number of photo galleries. However, I never bothered to index them. With this post I am going to list all of the previously published photo galleries. In the future I will keep them on the side bar in my blog template so that I can always find them.

Dedicated Album Pages

[Famous Places] Here is a small photo-gallery showing the contestants in a small photo-contest I ran.

[Ageia Summer Party 2005] Here is the art gallery with photographs from the Ageia Summer BBQ I threw back in 2005.

[Portfolio] This is my personal 2d art portfolio.

[Sony Online Entertainment Christmas Party 2003] My last hurrah with SOE. I took many pictures of this fun evening.

[Photo-Album 2003-2005] This is my personal photo-album spanning two or three years total.

[The Lake Saint Louis Halloween Party 2006] Lots of fun pictures of the neighbors all dressed up for Halloween.

[Memorial Day Weekend 2005] A great weekend that will live long in our memories.

[Missouri State Conclave 2006] Pictures from State Conclave in 2006.

[Troy Chapter of DeMolay] Lots of fun pictures from various events Troy DeMolay was involved in in 2006.

[Paris Trip] Pictures I took on my last business trip to Paris. Lots of photographs of paintings from the Petite Palace

[The New Masonic Temple] Photographs I took on the day we were allowed to tour the building.
[Troy Chapter Installation 2007] Photographs from the unique installation ceremony held at Troy Lodge in February of this year for our DeMolay chapter.

[Wentzville Rainbow Girls Installation 2007] Photographs taken at the Wentzville Rainbow Girls installation on February 3, 2007

[Paris and Rome vacation] Many photographs (over 750) from my Paris and Rome vacation this summer.

Photo Galleries embedded into Blog Entries

[December 16, 2002] A few photographs from our annual Christmas Party

[January 1, 2003] Some old scanned in photographs accompanying a post on the subject of 'memory'

[April 12, 2003] Photographs from a movie showing on my boat.

[June 22, 2003] Photographs of a beautiful sunset reflecting off of a disco ball on my boat.

[July 24, 2003] Many photographs from my first extended vacation in years.

[September 20, 2003] Photographs from my last boat movie showing of the season.

[November 16, 2003] Photographs from a trip to a conference. I took my son Alex along with me to make it fun. Also photographs from my outdoor showing of 'Wizard of Oz' for Halloween night.

[December 8, 2003] Photographs from my movie showing of 'It's A Wonderful Life' at a senior citizens center. Also from a Christmas party.

[February 22, 2004] Great photographs from Gerhard's home movie theatre.

[March 30, 2004] Lots of photographs from GDC

[September 18, 2004] Many fun photographs of stuff I did all summer long. Includes photographs from our weekend trip to Cancun.

[December 10, 2004] Photographs from the Brown's Halloween party, my trip to Toronto, my Mom in her new home. and my trip to Zurich.

[March 13, 2005] Lots of photographs from my trip to GDC

[December 11, 2005] Photographs from lodge. Photographs from the LSCA Halloween Party. Christmas party at the Shrine.

[January 12, 2006] Photographs from Paris business trip.

[Febrary 27, 2006] Artwork from Tracy Butler

[March 20, 2006] Photographs from our poker party and later on pictures from the Scottish Rite Youth Ball

[April 23, 2006] Pictures from the Shrine Circus Parade and some DeMolay events.

[May 30, 2006] Lots of pictures from Memorial Day Weekend

[June 16, 2006] Photographs of the New Masonic Temple and many more from the Renaissance Faire in Wentzville. Finally pictures from the poker run.

[July 26, 2006] Pictures from Saint Louis Aces tennis matches, Troy Lodge Installation, Ageia summer party, 4th of July, and Shelly's baptism. Lots and lots of pictures!

[August 27, 2006] Summer party and Charlie's wedding.

[September 23, 2006] The Greater Saint Louis Pirates Festival photographs.

[October 29, 2006] The LSCA Halloween Party. Lots of fun pictures. Also includes the fall poker run.

[November 24, 2006] Donny's wedding and various other activities.

[January 20, 2007] The Ice Storm

[April 30, 2007] Prom Photos

[May 7, 2007] Pictures from Lauren's Rocky Horror Picture Show party

[May 17, 2007] YouTube video of Ryan Cockerham performing as William Hung

[May 17, 2007] YouTube video of Miki Kokubo performing the song 'Wild Horses'

[May 17, 2007] YouTube video of Drew and Abby Maestus performing 'Whiskey Lullaby'

[May 19, 2007] The Limey Birds at the Wentzville Renaissance Festival

[May 20, 2007] YouTube video recap of Masonic Idol

[July 11, 2007] Photographs from Paris

[July 16, 2007] Photographs from my Paris and Rome Vacation.


Anonymous said…
Why are you so fixated with a building? Do you think it takes a huge leviathan like these outmoded temples to be Masonry??

Freemasonry does not exsit in some building and bigger isn't always better.
>>Why are you so fixated with a building? Do you think it takes a huge leviathan like these outmoded temples to be Masonry??

I guess you aren't really into historical preservation huh?

My answer is simple. This building is amazing. You have to see it and explore it to feel the impact.

And while, no, it doesn't enitrely represent Masonry today it does represent what Masonry once was. At any rate, I am the current Junior Warden of the only Blue Lodge that meets in this building so we are talking about my lodge afterall.

Your question doesn't really even make sense to me. It's like asking, "Why care about Castle Versailles? The Monarchy is gone, who cares?"

It's part of history. It's part of our legacy. It is a tremendous work of art.

Most of the people I know who have seen and explored this building are equally impressed. The Knights Templar room alone, with the amazing stained glass, is a rare treasure and important part of Masonic history in our State.

Anonymous said…
LOL! You are so focused on the past and a empty building and not on ways to bring Masonry into the 21st century, and how men today can become a part of a greater society and become men of honor.

Masonry has always been at the FOREFRONT not the PAST dwelling on days gone by it was and is menat to be a place dedicated to further Enlightenment and the discussion of modern thinking and those who believe that Masonry is the cutting edge of today's society not one buried in a big empty building echoing the past and days that will never return.

The buildings are beautiful but a building is NOT Freemasonry and it will never be what is was in the 1920's ever. Let's hope not! May it find its true meaning again and stop placating to a society by the re-invetion of Masonry into a benefecit society do good for other.

It never was to be the Lions club!

"This building is amazing. You have to see it and explore it to feel the impact."

It has no impact today people drive by these big temples, and either wonder what they are or never think about it.
MASONRY should have the impact on society not a building......
Dear LOL,

I find your comments a bit odd. Sometimes it seems to me that people on the internet, especially in comments sections, go way out of their way to intentionally missinterpret what they believe the author represents.

So, you think I don't care about the future, only the past?

Really? How well do you know me brother?

For the record, I am currently the Junior Warden of Naphtali lodge which meets in that building. We are today in the planning stages for a major renovation of this facility which will bring Freemasons, and Freemasonry, back into the national historic monument. A building rich in Masonic history; it served as the offices of Grand Master Harry Truman and is the same place where Charles Lindberg received his second degree.

In two weeks we are raising as a Master Mason a young man who attends the University across the street. Next September we will be initiating a young man, only 18 years of age, who will be a Freshman at Saint Louis University.

You see, I am actively looking toward the future of this building. I want it to be part of the forefront of Masonry by filling it, once again, with a thriving and active lodge.

I assume, LOL, that you are a brother. I am somewhat surprised at your tone, considering the fact that I am trying to build something up and, in so doing, preserve the heritage not only of an 80 year old building but also a 168 year old lodge that meets within it.

Brother John
Unknown said…
I just felt it my place to insert a nice little "pwned" after John's reply.

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