Criminalizing Stupidity? Is that stupid or what?

How interesting.. I just read this morning that the European Union is about to criminalize certain types of thought and speech. In this article you can read the story about how anyone who trivializes or denies in any way the holocaust can be sent to jail for their thought crime. Now, personally, I don't deny the holocaust. After all, I am not a particularily stupid, uninformed, or generally ignorant person. However, a lot of people in this world are.
This got me thinking.. What if we criminalize similarly ignorant thought and speech? Remember when Galileo was sent to prison for his heretical ideas? Maybe now it is finally time for a little turn-about fair play.
I recommend some of the following.
Why not send to jail anyone who believes the entire Universe was created 6,000 years ago?
Or, how about we jail anyone who denies the basic facts about evolution?
What if we criminalize speech that attempts to damn the majority of the population to hell?
Why not criminalize books which suggest God commits wholesale genocide? The Old Testament really has got to be stopped don't you think?
What if we criminalize people who say that the 'rapture' is about to happen?
Man, if we begin to criminalize stupidity what a wonderful world this could be...
The future is so bright I gotta wear shades....
Just wanted to say, "Tag you're it!"
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