Please donate to help Robert Anton Wilson!

I'm not going to write some kind of eulogy or anything, but our good friend Robert Anton Wilson is in crisis. Contrary to popular belief authors of conpsiracy novels are not independently wealthy. Due to increasing health costs RAW is in trouble and I think those of us who have been so deeply influenced by his work in their lives should rise to help. Especially those in the Freemason community who joined largely because of the influence his books had on their thinking.
The other day, on a message forum, the topic was 'list the books that most influenced your life'. My number one response was 'Cosmic Trigger' and number two was 'The New Inquistion'. I recently read the Historical Illuminatus Chronicles which includes the incredible novel 'The Widows Son' that will stand tall on my all time favorite list.
It is no exaggeration that ever since I read my first Robert Anton Wilson book about twenty three years ago, this man has had the greatest impact on my life and way of thinking about the world. Ultimately his influence led me on the journey that brought me to Freemasonry and, for that, I owe him a deep debt.
I just donated $100 using paypal, that will goes *directly* to Robert Anton Wilson's personal account. You can read some information on his website found here.
Or, simply send quasi-cash through paypal to this email address:
Come on brethren, let's make sure that during Robert's later years he feels the love from those who he has helped so greatly.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Robert Anton Wilson update
Yesterday I wrote about writer Robert Anton Wilson's unfortunate situation (the short story: he has no money, has a few months left to live, and was facing eviction from his apartment). So many kind people gave generously that it looks like Bob is going to be able to live out his final days peacefully.
From Denis, who is managing Bob's care:
Just went to your boing boing site. Wowie Zowie Batman! What an amazing job you're doing with everything.
Anyway, this morning Bob's daughter showed up at his house in tears because she had checked his PayPal account and found money for next month's rent plus more. Bob called me to say that he couldn't believe people would care so much about him and as we talked (which isn't easy for him at this point) he was overcome with emotion more than once. He is so touched and RELIEVED at the possibility of staying in his home. He kept repeating to me his deep felt appreciation and disbelief that people would care so much about him. What a humble and sweet man.
I know many of you donated more money than you could afford, but you did it because you knew how much of a difference this would make for him. Thank you so much for helping him.
Here is an update on Robert Anton Wilson's situation from both him and his daughter.
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Note from Robert Anton Wilson and his daughter
Earlier this week I wrote about writer Robert Anton Wilson's unfortunate situation (the short story: he has no money, has a few months left to live, and was facing eviction from his apartment). Yesterday, I wrote an update.
Today, I received this email from Bob's daughter, which contains a note from Bob. It's very moving. People opened their hearts and their wallets, and Bob is going to be able to live out his remaining days in peace. Thank you all very much.
On behalf of my Dad, RAW (Bob), I want to throw my arms around you "like a circle 'round the sun!" for your loving graciousness in posting Bob's need on your site. As of about 5 minutes ago, over $68,000 has come in. We are all overjoyed as it now means that we can continue to celebrate this phase of his life in the comfort of his own home, with all the care he needs, until his passing, honored by the loving support of so, so many wondrous folks. Just last week I was sick with heartache as we were faced with giving his notice and now, the world has simply and completely - transformed. Last night, he dictated a note that he wanted me to forward to you - below is the text. He is very weak, cannot sit up or eat on his own, and as he struggled with a whispery voice to express his gratitude, he broke into tears several times. How my heart swelled as I gazed at this man who has been both one of the most frustrating - and incredible - beings I have ever known. I would not be who I am today, had I not grown up with him.
Much love, Christina Pearson
Dear Friends, my God, what can I say. I am dumbfounded, flabbergasted, and totally stunned by the charity and compassion that has poured in here the last three days.
To steal from Jack Benny, "I do not deserve this, but I also have severe leg problems and I don't deserve them either."
Because he was a kind man as well as a funny one, Benny was beloved. I find it hard to believe that I am equally beloved and especially that I deserve such love.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, know that my love is with you.
You have all reminded me that despite George W. Bush and all his cohorts, there is still a lot of beautiful kindness in the world.
Robert Anton Wilson
Here are some links on the topic:
Douglas Rushkoff's blog
A fund raising T-Shirt
San Francisco Independent Media Center