32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason

(The Scottish Rite Cathedral on Lindell Boulevard in Saint Louis)
Just a quick update; first of all, you no longer need to send money to Robert Anton Wilson. I am deeply touched by the fact that so many men and women donated to this worthy cause. Over and over again I read personal testimony of how great an impact RAWs work has had on the spiritual and intellectual development of thousands. He is a great man and, when he is gone, even though he will be sorely missed his teachings will live on in his books forever.
In less than a week the call for donations raised over $80,000. By today it is probably up to at least $100,000. While this sounds like a lot of money (certainly enough money to pay this months rent), it is necessary when someone is terminally ill and needs constant medical care. If there is any of this money left when RAW passes to the Grand Lodge on high perhaps it could be used as a memorial and fitting tribute for his fans to honor.
On to other things...
On Saturday I had my outdoor movie showing for the Shendandoah Park community. I showed some cartoons and my 16mm scope LPP print of 'Ghostbusters' on my 2,000 lumen Xenon projector. I was pleased that I was able to get my projector to work for the entire showing.
The only big event I have going this week is that I am going to become a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason at the incredible Scottish Rite Cathedral that sits right next to the New Masonic Temple where I am a Junior Warden of Napthali lodge.

(Here is the emblem of the Scottish Rite Masons)

(Here is the new funny little hat I get to wear)
I might as well use this opportunity to dissuade people of some of their popular missconceptions about 32nd degree Masons.
Let me make this clear. To become a 32nd degree Mason literally means, and nothing more than this, that you watched a play performed that is referred to as the '32nd degree' or the 'Master of the Royal Secret'.
That's it!
You do not have to watch all 29 plays performed (there are only 29 since you had to have already seen the first three as a Master Mason). In reality, most Scottish Rite Masons get to see about six or eight of the plays performed over a day and half period.
There are no great 'secrets' to these plays and they are readily available from numerous sources. These plays are not even ancient. Most people wouldn't read them because they would find them boring beyond belief.
So, why I am I joining? For two reasons. First, I'm joining because I want to have the 'experience' of going through the degree ceremony. I finally have a weekend open when the ceremony is being performed so I decided to attend. And, second of all, is that I am doing it for my friends. These plays are performed by a lot of my personal friends. (Remember, that's what we are, largely an amature theatre group.) My friends work really hard to memorize their parts and perform them so they convey as much drama and significance as possible. I am joining so I can support and watch my friends in this effort.
In upcoming years, as additional degrees are performed, I may go down the cathedral and watch them as well.
What I will absolutely *not* be doing is learning the plays myself or giving more of my time to yet another Masonic organization. I *will* be paying my $75 due which goes to support our charity and the incredible temple building where we meet.
Now, finally, let's address the spooky topic of 33rd degree masons. Just what are they? Do they really control the world? Nope. The 33rd degree is an honorary ceremony that is given to acknowledge those people who *DID* give a lot of their time to studying and performing the ritual. It is simply a 'thanks for all of your good work'.
Sorry to dissapoint anybody who was expecting something more dramatic.
I'll post a picture of me in my funny new hat next week.
Nice description of Scottish Rite. It's refreshing how you dash away all the preconceived notions and tell it how it is.
I have myself just completed Chapter and Council in the York Rite, as I *am* interested in participation in the ritual work and I decided that Scottish Rite didn't suit my tastes in that regard. Their charity work is great, however.
shine that light!
I am from Indiana.came across your blog you realy cut through a lot the menusha being thrown around right now. needs to be done more
yours in brotherhood
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