Alfa Romeo is dead. I just wrapped it around a telephone pole. I walked away with just some bruises on my right hand. I was out for a country drive at lunch, now with leaves all in their glorious fall colors, and coming out of a curve it started to fishtail. I hadn't done anything remarkable to start it fishtailing, and I almost got it recovered, but it just refused and went into a ditch, slamming into a telephone pole at about 30 miles per hour.

I survived, the car did not. At least it can't cost me money any more, and I can't undo what has just happened, so life goes on. It's just a car.

I am terribly fortunate I was not killed in the accident. Had I not hit the telephone pole the car probably would have flipped, and with the convertible top down...well..let's not think about that.


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