I have a 150 pounds of 16mm film showing up tomorrow from South Africa. I am going to the airport in the morning, will fill out the customs forms, and hopefully will be home with the film early in the day. I have decided to take a day off of work so I can get a head start reviewing my haul.

I sure hope I'm not setting myself up for dissapointment. I'm imagining stacks of cartoons and TV series episodes. All easy to sell for a healthy profit. I could, of course, end up with damaged goods, faded colors, and bunch of educational reels nobody wants.

It's going to be an exciting day, it's like Christmas in October.

My copy of "The Last Starfighter" showed up yesterday and it was one of those rare occasions where the film is in much better condition than I expected. It appears to be in near-mint condition, perfect LPP color and virtually no wear at all. What a great, great, film to show to family and friends.

I'll update when I find out how good my haul is. It's like digging for buried treasure. If all is good, Naushad has 3 more packages just as big to send me!


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