Last night we had our showing of "It's a Wonderful Life". During the day Terry and I, well Terry mostly, made a huge movie screen that we hung from the ceiling. We took a good quality white sheet and a large painters canvas dropcloth and sewed them together to reduce light leakage. We then hung the screen from hooks in the ceiling. Kind of a lo-tech way to get a room sized movie screen. A real fancy movie screen that size, one that you could pull down from the ceiling, would cost a couple of hundred dollars or more. This one only cost us $30. It's easy to put up, but having to iron the screen before a showing is a pain in the arse.

Our friends Diane and Lenny Brown cooked us dinner. Chicken and Pork Kabobs served with sauteed mushrooms, snow peas, and peppers. It was absolutely delicious. Their 3 year old son Cole, who shares the same birthday as me, had the time of his life sitting in a beanbag chair watching cartoons. He especially liked "The Cat Came Back" and was nearly in hysterics laughing over it. Every time a cartoon would end he would immediately begin shouting "Show another another one...!!" Who could resist.

The showing of "It's A Wonderful Life" went smoothly and it was a nice relaxing evening. Today we are going to go to celebrate Christmas with my wife's family. It's at my brother-in-law Bob's house, so there will be plenty of football along with the kids, presents, beer and food. Bob has a nice little man enclave in his basement where you can hide from the women and children and watch a game in peace and quiet. have to bond too...


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