Rodrigo Alves : Amazing Graphic Artist

I'm sick and tired of that last blog post I have at the top of my queue. So, today, I wanted to post something else. Lately I have become rather addicted to ''. As I said before, I have lots of time during my normal work day where I am waiting for my machine to finish a task. These waits are anywhere from two minutes to sometimes as long as six. That isn't enough time to do a whole lot of productive work so, instead, I watch the slideshow in high-speed mode.
It is without question the coolest way to find new blog sites to visit. As the images whiz by it seems every sixty seconds or so, you will see something that really catches your eye. For me it is artwork, high fashion, amazing photography, and incredible vacation photos. When I see a photograph that really catches my attention, I click on it, which immediately takes me to that persons blog.
It is natural to assume that if a person's weblog has one interesting picture then it is quite likely that it has many more. This is often the case. I take the photographs I find the most interesting and save them to a series of folders that I have carefully organized by subject matter (examples: animals, landscapes, water,pets,children,people,architecture, etc.)
Later I plan to make a posting where I show this amazing collection of images I have gathered.
Once I have decided a particular blog is providing such compelling content I then copy paste the URL into my Google News Reader. I have been doing this for about a week and a half and I now have accumulated an amazing library of images as well as a great feed of weblogs.
As you also might guess, people who have very interesting images on their weblogs might, in fact, be interesting people. So, from time to time, I read some of the new posts they make on their blog and I also find many new pictures. With google reader and I can scan so much content in such a short period of time it is simply amazing. Using the Internet in this voyeuristic fashion is really entertaining. I'm sure many of these people, who's sites I visit, wonder 'how did this stranger find me?'. They may be a bit shocked to learn that total strangers are reading their blog; I have had the same feeling myself on a number of occasions. In the end, it is all about quality content and if you post compelling material people will find it.
One of the things I have noticed about using this tool is how truly International Google and Blogger is. Only a fraction of the websites I click on are in English. I was surprised that there is relatively little erotica either. Statistically speaking I would have expected it to be much higher. That is not to say I haven't run across some and haven't bookmarked a few just for myself.
The sketch at the top of this post was taken from the weblog of Rodrigo Alves, an artist in Brazil. He found my site because I left a comment on his. When I subscribed to his site via Google reader I was able to pull up a lot of his older artwork as well.
I hope you look forward to my future posts of the incredible material I have found using It is, in my view, the best way to waste time on the Internet.
I made a new draw, I called it "Jhon Ratcliff"... well, I had same problens to do this draw, but I hope you like of results.
(sorry about my english. I don´t know writting very well, but I understand what you write)