My Apologies to Dr. Steven Greer

I just finished reading all of Dr. Steven Greer's book titled 'Hidden Truth : Forbidden Knowledge' and I feel like I owe the man a bit of an apology. Let me say first and foremost that I think Dr. Steven Greer is probably a really nice fellow. I'm sorry if my posts containing extreme sarcasm motivated by my penchant for rationalism caused him any personal discomfort. Having read all of Dr. Greer's quite personal book I now feel like I understand him a bit better. At the end of the day Dr. Greer is just one of your warm and fuzzy New Age types and, gosh darn it, I love New Age type people. Even though my rational mind objects I can't escape the fact that they are often more pleasant, warm, entertaining, and delightful to have as friends than your average person. At first when I was reading Dr. Greer's book I felt like grabbing a highlighter and marking passages so I could write a scathing blog post about it. What better way to prove my point than using h...