Tim Boucher of Pop Occulture

Tim Boucher over at the 'Pop Occulture' weblog has made a highly entertaining post today. I recommend you check it out and get your daily dose of weirdness.

Finally, here is something quite interesting. Right Worshipful Brother Chris Hodapp, famed author of 'Freemasons for Dummies' now has his own blog on blogger. He even links a number of other Freemason blogs, including this one. I find this all a bit interesting since some of these Freemason blogs are pretty 'out there'. In my own case, this isn't even a Freemason blog, it's just my personal blog where I talk about crap going on in my life (with the exception of my job). Since my life and interests intersect Freemason themes quite often, then chances are you might see a vaugely relevant post here from time to time.
I look forward to reading Brother Hodapp's posts on a regular basis. His book is highly recommended, even despite the 'dummies' title.
Hope all is well brother.