Safely in Seattle

I don't have anything eventful to report. My trip yesterday went smoothly. I read the third book in the "Historical Illuminatus" trilogy titled "Nature's God'. It was not nearly as good as 'The Widow's Son' and RAW relapsed into his mode of using his characters and plot for the primary purpose of allowing himself to either rant or philosophize. It really felt like the ending left things very 'unfinished'. It was over five years between this novel and the previous one, and I don't know if he ever did any continued work with that character. I still have to read the *first* book, so I'm doing this whole thing in a temporarly confused way. I gave my copy of 'The Widow's Son' to my friend John Miles. I think he will quite enjoy it.
Last evening I went through the obligatory ritual of watching 'The DaVinci Code' movie. There just isn't much to say on this topic. I did not like the book so the movie met my expectations.
It took itself way too seriously and lasted too long. I believe, had it been tighter and less preachy, it would have been more enjoyable.
I did find it odd that in the same week I am visiting the Pacific Northwest two weblogs that link to this one both posted articles about how a terrible disaster is going to strike. What timing. Of course, since the origin of these predictions come, first, from Pat Robertson and, second, from a guy who reads tea leaves in crop circles, I'm not really all that worried. (Here is a quick update. Today 'The Burning Taper' blog posted a prediction revision that says the Comet will hit th *Atlantic* ocean on Thursday, not the Pacific. I will be flying that day, but I suddenly feel very relieved.)
Well, I'm heading off to work to do cool and intersting things. I will post again if and when something interesting happens to me or, at least, I read somethign interesting.