I get to take a trip!

Hurray, I get to take a trip. I haven't been anywhere since my trip to Florida in February, and I really need a break. Now, don't get me wrong, it is definitely a 'work' trip. However, since I am meeting up with my very good friends at RAD GameTools it will be an enjoyable one. I get to see Mitch, Mike, Mike, Tom, Jeff and John.
John Miles is a very good friend of mine and I always enjoy the time we get to spend together. Even though it is a 'work trip' it is still a big break for me. I get to read lots of books during my 14 total hours of travel time there and back again. In the evenings I will be able to go out to dinner with my good friends and even the work itself will be something new and fun.
No, it's not a 'vacation' by any stretch of the imagination but it sure is a change in scenery.
Pictured above is my friend John Miles standing next to his Ferrari on one of my last trips to Seattle.
Of course I checked to see if any lodges were meeting for the few days I will be out there, but no luck. Not a single lodge is meeting on any of those nights in the area. Oh well, next time I suppose. I'm sure I will have a chance to see the 'DaVinci Code' movie while I am there since there is a movie theatre right by the office. Funny thing, I already read somewhere today that audiences are laughing out loud while watching the movie because it is so preposterous. Since this is pretty much the same reaction I had to the book, I'm enjoying watching it purely for camp value.
Finally, thanks for the comments to the questions I posed a couple of messages ago. To me it seems that the new mytholgoy was largely created by Baigent and Leigh with some selective culling from a variety of sources. Most of the other books, including 'The Widow's Son', draw from that root source. I'm not saying HB&HG isn't interesting, or even well referenced, because it is. I'm just saying that they are replacing one myth with another one, neither of which is particularily verifiable in any significant way. It is espeically problematic when much of their books are based on them being spoon fed a bunch of dissinformation nonsense by Pierre Plantard. Nevertheless, if the end result is that it gets people who have entrenched belief systems to reevaluate why they believe what they believe, then that is probably a good thing. However, if it just replaces one myth for another, I see no great progress having been achieved.