Well, my theory that blogger is scanning my web posts and producing banner ads tailored to my topics seems to be gaining evidence. For the last couple of days, the banner ads have all been for selling ebay sniping software. Note, that just a post or two ago I commented about how I lost an Ebay auction I really wanted to win. Coincidence? I think not.

Officially as of 6pm tomorrow night my vacation starts. I'm thinking of kicking it off by driving down to Bush Stadium, by myself, and buying a single ticket from a guy off of the street. The Kansas City Royals visit us, and we will most certainly kick their ass.

Some very interesting things happening at work too. I don't talk about work on my blog site, so if you are my close and personal friend, send me an email or make a phone call and I will clue you in. Life is ever interesting.


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