Today Ebay cancelled about 300 "Ghost in a Jar" themed auctions. Many of which, in my opinion, were legitimate. Every "ghost in a jar" auction I was bidding on has been cancelled with the exception of the painting of "a ghost in a jar", which I truly intend on winning. I lost the movie rights, the boobies in a jar, and even the ghost poop in a jar. In addition to that, I lost my opportunity as "legal representation for my ghost in a jar auctions."

Enough about ghosts in jars. I just returned from seeing "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the Fox Theatre. It was an absolute blast. First we watched the movie "Aliens". As a movie collector myself, I was really surprised they couldn't get a better quality print. It had a lot of surface wear, quite heavy, and even a few minute long green emulsion line. Very surprising. But, it was still great fun to watch.

We figured if we saw "Aliens" we could just keep our seats for "Rocky Horror" but, no luck. They made everyone exit the theatre and get into the line. The 'line' stretched over two city blocks. They were completely out of tickets and I imagine the crowd was over 3,000 people. Lots and lots of people dressed up. When we found our seats, there was a young woman dressed in nothing but her bra and slip, no underwear. To top it off, she was super-model gorgeous with large breasts and a flat stomach. I figured she dressed like that because you wanted people to look at I did.

The print of "Rocky Horror" was in fantastic shape. The crowd was enormous and incredibly enthusiastic. There was only one very major flaw in the evening. Fox Theatre, probably because they had to get everyone out of the theatre by a certain time, cut out at least 15 minutes of the movie, the entire section where Eddie (Meatloaf) drives in on a motorcycle and sings a great song. This was really dissappointing to me, after so much hype had gone into this event to have it so fundamentally flawed.

Nevertheless, watching a film in the Fox is simply amazing!! I am now re-energized for my own movie showings too. Tomorrow evening I plan to take my son Alex to see Titan A.E. at the Fox so he can share the experience too.


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