Caffeine Addiction Update

Caffeine Addiction Update
It's now been about three months since I quit caffeine cold turkey. Since I did, and made my original post titled 'Caffeine Addicted World', I get about five hits a day to this blog based on people searching for coffee addiction advice. I even received one excellent comment added to my original posting.
This message today is simply to give an update. I have not had any caffeine since I originally quit. Not a single cup of coffee or soda. I may have injested a small quantity from the chocolate in some Halloween candy, but that would be the full extent of it.
Other than the original withdrawal symptoms this has been the easiest thing I have every tried to quit. My wife still makes a full pot of coffee every morning and I regularily frequent the coffee shop near my office. However, all I drink is water. Massive quantities of water.
The thought or smell of coffee only makes my stomach upset. It has lost of all its appeal to me. When I think of coffee now it is not about the pick me up it might offer, or the great taste it might have initially. Instead all I think about is how much it will rip apart my stomach as the acidity of the liquid eats into my bowels.
If you still enjoy your coffee today, please continue to do so. However, if you start developing insomnia, acid reflux, heartbearn, or just general stomach upset, you might want to rethink your habit.
A slight headache for about 4 hours! OMG.
I still drink coffee, but now it is decaf. The only annoying thing is that it is impossible to find caffeine free Coke anywhere, but at the store in a 12+ pack.
I've not noticed any positive or negative effects from quiting, but I think I'll keep it up for awhile. Why not.
Your original post inspired me to quit coffee (including decaf) and most soda too. (I'm still working on becoming 100% soda-free.) I definitely feel better, although unlike you, I still crave coffee on cold mornings when I'm tired. But it's been worth it, and I thank you for the nudge through your blog.