Bizarre Personal Experience

Well, as far as life experiences go I can chalk up a new one. Yesterday when I woke up and went to work I felt really weird. I had taken one pain pill the night before for my back and I thought, somehow, I was feeling residual effects. I made a joke about it with some guys at work. I didn't feel sick, I felt drugged. I sat at my desk to start work and I put my headphones on. In a very short time I suddenly felt so faint that I almost fell to the floor. Next I was immediately naseaus and went to the bathroom to throw-up.
After I threw-up I generally felt better and got through the entire day of work. I left the office a little bit earlier than usual and on the way home I started nodding off to sleep and had to keep slapping myself in the face and roll down the window to stay awake till I got home. I knew I wasn't feeling right and there was no way I could possibly play tennis. I called all of the way down the sub-list and reached the second to last name on the list before I found someone who could play for me.
Shortly afterwards our electricity went out for about an hour. That is the first time it has ever happened. I took great personal satisfaction in firing up my portable gas generator so I could watch my new favorite TV show 'Heroes'.
My wife went to bed at 10:00pm and I stayed up to watch 'The Daily Show'. At the commercial break I went into the bathroom feeling very faint. As I got up I fell to the floor and couldn't move. I must have made some noise because Terry came downstairs and was worried about me. I remember mumbling to her that I was ok and I just needed to lay there and rest for a moment. Somehow, she didn't seem too convinced.
Next, and I'm vauge about this part, I went back into the bathroom again. I don't really remember anything after that. The next thing I remembered was a cop shining a light into my eyes.
According to my wife I lost consciousness and went into convulsions and my eyes rolled back in my head. I fell to the floor, banged my head against the wall, and broke the toilet on the way down. Then I defecated myself while on the bathroom floor. My wife was worried I had just died. She called 911 and the police showed up very quickly and the ambulance just a few minutes later. I have no recall of anything for about ten minutes or so.
When the medics arrived I was able to pick myself up off the floor and sit down. They took my blood pressure and it was 80/50. In the ambulance they said there was a new bug going down that was hitting people like a train-wreck and was completely unaffected by flu-shots. Once in the hospital they gave me IV fluids and wanted to make sure I hadn't had some sort of cardiac event. They did blood work and the good thing was that, whatever it was, it had nothing to do with my heart.
I got up this morning to read the newspaper and answered a few emails. Then I laid down and the next thing I knew it was two in the afternoon. This evening I still feel slightly drugged. These are very bizarre physical symptoms for a 'flu'. I don't feel any of the normal effects of a flu but instead feel as if I was mildly drugged in some fashion, my skin in tingling and hot, and I am weak as a kitten.
I plan to go back to work tomorrow but this was certainly a new one in the books for me. My first time in an ambulance was certainly a unique experience that I have no interest in repeating.
on? I suspect there was some drug-drug interaction that caused such profound hypotension, or maybe you
even had a seizure.
this sounds serious. Please take care of yourself, I'm worried about you!
Tim Bonney
They checked kidney function at the hospital, I assume...?
— W.S.
anyways, when I was younger I got a little blood poisoning event and it had quite weird drug like effects (passing out, hallucinations, feeling randomly confused, memory loss etc), so I can see a "bug" causing your symptoms.
-james d.