Ice Storm

Today Saint Louis is getting hit with a good old fashioned ice storm. I didn't even bother trying to drive to the office today and have been working from home. It is supposed to keep up through the night so I will probably work from home tomorrow as well.
Thanks for all of the kind words about my health. Today I am finally starting to feel a bit better. It was certainly a strange experience and not one I am looking forward to repeating again!
Later, after I finish working for the day, I want fire up my new SUV and switch it into four wheel drive mode and see how sure footed it is driving up to the grocery store. I've always wanted a four wheel drive vehicle just for days like today, so I am curious to see how well it works. I'll see if I can keep the heavy beast out of the ditch.
There is nothing else exciting going on in my life at the moment to share, and I haven't found any new topics to rant about. Maybe next week...