Friends and Neighbors

Last evening our friends Diane and Lenny came over for dinner along with their whole family. Afterwards we went up to Windjammer Point to hear the group 'That 80's Band' perform. They were awesome as always!
I don't really have anything to say today but I wanted to upload a few photographs from last night. My wife is still getting the hang of her new camera and it sure does some odd things when you photograph at night. Some of the images look a bit wild with blurs, smears, and other effects from a long exposure while holding the camera in a shaky hand.

I don't think it is fair to call Brigitta a Desperate Housewife. I can't see anything Desperate about her.

Our friend Brigitta is clearly *not* a drunk hot chick. In fact, she spent the whole evening making and selling popcorn for a community youth group.

I have titled this photograph Lake Saint Louis Hot Mom or LSL Hot Mom if you prefer. I believe Brigitta has demonstrated sufficiently that she deserves this title and may some day be a higher hit on google for that search term than Diane Brown.

A time action photograph of my nephew Charlie using an illuminated Yo-Yo. A local bank was giving away free light-up Yo-Yo's all evening. Charlie is a Yo-Yo Master champion and owns a $700 Yo-Yo designed by NASA. (Or something like that. Still he's really good!)

A photograph of Cole who had a bunch of light up bracelets around his arm.

Diane and my lovely wife Terry.

My good friend Lenny.

Diane, Lenny, and Cole

Cole, Charlie, and myself trying out our Yo-Yo's