A Fun Weekend

I had a fun and full weekend. On Friday night I took all of my neighbors to the Moolah Shrine Circus. Here is a picture of me in my Shriners hat holding Shelly Solomon. I really enjoyed the Circus and look forward to being more involved in it next year.
On Saturday we were planning on attending a fair at the Daniel Boone home, but it was rained out. Instead I spent the day at home getting all of our DeMolay materials organized. On Saturday evening we had our friends the Solomons over for dinner. After dinner we watched one of my favorite movies "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind".
This morning I tried getting all of our DeMolay photographs organized. At 11am I took 13 people to a Saint Louis Cardinals baseball game. It was my first time at the new stadium. The family had a great time and the Cardinals blew out the Washington Nationals 9-2.
This evening I started setting up a weblog for Troy DeMolay. So far all I have done is upload some photographs. In the upcoming week I will try to annotate them all and flesh out the blog. I will use it to keep the Chapter abreast of current activities.
I realize this post doesn't really say much of anything, I just felt like bumping that creepy looking alien picture in the last post.