A Masonic Thought for the Day

Too often it happens that a Society with high ideals and worthy objectives becomes completely absorbed in the secondary interest of perpetuating itself. It is not seeking for light in the interest of reaching its objectives, but for those proofs that will support its claim to validity as an organization. My study of religion, as it has developed across the centuries, compels the conclusion that sometimes that which began as a positive faith in something big, and compelling, and universal, degenerated into a negative prejudice against all other beliefs. Instead of seeking for clearer truth, the organization has become absorbed in establishing its claim to infallibility as the source and custodian of all truth. We are not interested in keeping Freemasonry alive as an organization, just for the sake of keeping it alive. We are not interested in trying to justify our right to live today because of something that happened a hundred years ago, or a thousand years ago. Rather are we interested in making the present so vital that it will give both meaning and worth to all that the Masons of yesterday have don to make the present possible.
Dr. Thomas S. Roy