A Long Day

Yesterday was a very long day, and I'm glad it is over. I took the day off of work to help my father settle his affairs. At 7:30am I drove from my home in Lake Saint Louis to Hermann Missouri to meet my father at the bank there. Between 9am and 10am we closed out two outstanding loans that he had, and signed some paperwork. Next I drove to Jefferson City and met with my Mom. We took Mom up to a local bank and got more paperwork signed and notarized.
I had this much taken care of by noon. I spent a lot of time talking to both my mother and father before I left them for the day. Next I drove *back* to Hermann Missouri from Jefferson City. There I filed paperwork with the recorder of deeds. I wrapped that up at around 1pm. Fortunately the day was beautiful, hovering around 80 degrees and sunny most of the time. I put the top down on my convertible and at least enjoyed the drive through the countryside as I took care of my errands. The next stop was Owensville, Missouri where I met with the funeral director about getting arrangements set up ahead of time. I know this sounds grim but, the reality is that my father wants to know all of this is taken care of and settled for him to have some peace of mind.
By the time I wrapped that up it was close to 4pm. I next drove all of the way from Owensville back to my home in Lake Saint Louis. I had time to discuss everything with my wife and take a shower before my journey continued. Quite some time ago I purchased theatre tickets to a show at the Fabulous Fox. I promised to take my daughter Lauren so she would have a special evening with just her father. After everything that I had gone through with my own father the last thing I was going to do was dissappoint my daughter.
I tried putting everything else out of my mind and drove from Lake Saint Louis to downtown Saint Louis to the Fox Theatre. The show was absolutely unbelievable. It was, without question, the best musical experience I have ever had at the Fox Theatre in my life. I love, love, love, celtic music and the performance far exceeded my highest expectations.
If you ever have the chance to see them perform I cannot recommend it highly enough. I thought about my friend David Metzener while I was there because we have similar tastes in music and I know he would have loved it.
The photograph above is of the violinist who performs with such wild abandon she looks like a spryte or nymph bounding around the stage as fast as her instrument slashes at the air.
Finally, the result of getting my fathers affairs in order is that I now, technically, 'own' his old piece of farm property. I need to sell it, however, to have cash to pay off all of the debts and expenses that have accrued. The farm is about 15 acres, with a two story farm house over a hundred years old. The house has electric, septic, and a brand new deep well. There is a small pond, some pasture, some old run-down barns, and a lot of woods to hunt on. Once it gets cleaned up (right now it looks like a junk-yard with over 20 abandoned vehicles on the property) I think it will be very attractive as a weekend hunting lodge.
I have also decided to sell my property in the Lake of the Ozarks. With everything going on, and considering my responsibilities to care for my parents, I just don't have the resources to carry that much debt. So, if you want five acres in a private cove with a thousand foot of shoreline in the Lake of the Ozarks (around mile marker 68), let me know. It has electric and a deep well already on it, and an excellent level building lot on top of a high hill.
Today I am back to work, which is as it should be. I am working from home today because, after yesterday, I am done drove out.