Ok, I didn't think I would ever get political on this blogsite, but I have nothing else to talk about and haven't posted in days. I'll keep this short and sweet. Because I'm looking forward to the latest reality show, you know the one where we bomb Iraq and they show it on TV on every channel 24/7, I put my radio on an all talk station. I've been listening to it a tiny bit for the last couple days and, to be frank, I'm shocked.

First of all, I guess I have to declare my political leanings. I'm a moderate. About the only thing I'm a radical about is freedom of speech and freedom from religion. That's about it.

Do I think we should go to war with Iraq? I don't know, don't ask me. I see arguments for and against. It's a complex and difficult issue with many valid points on both sides.

So, what's my beef? Well, I'm listening to this talk radio show and, apparently, it's a 'conservative' station. Read that, radical, screaming, absurd, outrageous, screeching, right wing whackos. Now, this show, because it's on the airwaves, all sounds very mainstream. You know, what with the many callers (all screened) who make the host sound like a semi-rational and sane person. Now, don't get me wrong, the wacko liberals they roast are only slightly less irrational.

My beef is that the radio talk show host, and the callers calling in, are quoting 'liberals' promoting peace and diplomatic solutions as *TRAITORS* who should be locked up and sent to jail! Literally.

I guess this is all rhetoric, but it's some damned powerful rhetoric.

I might think the pinko, liberal, whackos, who believe that we can ignore dictators, never harm a hair on anyone's head, and always turn the other cheek, are as stupid as they are gullible, but I completely defend their right to hold and speak these beliefs!!!! I don't suggest they be treated as traitors, or be jailed.

This rhetoric on the airwaves is extremely unhealthy.

Dear God, I can't wait till baseball season starts.


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