I am about to post an extremely offensive link. It's not offensive to me, but I know it will be very offensive to many people. Andy Milonakis, of "The Superbowl is Gay" fame, has made something like 70 internet video 'comedy' skits. The thing is, out of 70 attempts at being funny, he is only actually funny about 5 times. However, when he gets it right, he really gets it right. Today I am posting a link to one of his videos that I started watching, said to myself, 'cute', and then closed it long before it was over. This evening I was showing my teenage kids a few select Andy videos and I went ahead and clicked on this video, only this time I let it play to the very end. The final joke in this comedy bit is *soooo* funny I almost hurt myself laughing.

That said, I have to explain some context. I am a radical atheist and have some very strong opinions about how Christianity has been used to inflict pain and guilt on our youth. I won't belabor the point, those of you who know me, and have had theological discussions with me, probably already know this. That said, if you are cynical about Christianity, and how it accosts our youth with images of brutality, you might appreciate the humour in this video. Those of you who are still involved with this religion will almost certainly find it offensive. If you find sacreligious satire offensive, I implore you not to click on this link.

Andy is having another one of his video clips shown on the Jimmy Kimmel show this evening. Andy's current crisis is that he is being hit with a many thousand dollar bill for all of the bandwidth he is using by people downloading his videos off of his website. Literally gigs of bandwidth a day. That's why if I post a link, I try to host it on my own site, since I've got a little bit of disk space to spare.

In this video clip Andy does his normal funny faces as he mouths the words to popular children's songs. Enjoy, or avoid, depending on your sensibilities.


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