Sarah Palin's Facebook Page

As I said in a recent post, I try not to be particularily political with this blog. Nevertheless, I am fond of political humour. I had an interesting experience this week. On Saturday I watched the great skit on Saturday Night Live with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.
The thing is, I had seen nothing of the Palin-Couric interview before I saw the Tina Fey skit; so I just enjoyed it as a bit of satire. I have to say, it was incredible to see the real interview *after* having seen the satire! Oh, my, it was like watching Palin imitate Fey! I had no idea how dead on Tina Fey was being until I saw the real train wreck!
At any rate, please click on the image above, or use the following link to see another great piece of satire. A fictional Palin 'facebook page'. Very funny as well.
A couple of additional YouTube videos after my original post. Having reviewed this whole Palin situation I have come to the firm conclusion that John McCain is absolutely going to lose this election for having chosen this crazy bitch to run on his ticket. You call this vetting?
Once again, the Left has no other arrow in its quiver besides "Republicans are idiots!"
Eisenhower (two terms)? Amiable dunce.
Nixon (two terms, biggest landslide in history)? Paranoid idiot who needed a shave.
Reagan (two terms)? Dumb actor.
Bush 41? Dumbass doesn't know how a grocery store scanner works.
Bush 43 (MBA, two terms)? Strategically shaved monkey.
Tough to pull off the "stupid idiot" claim with McCain, so the guns now turn to Palin.
Is there another song on that album?