Secret Service Ought to Be Investigating the McCain - Palin Campaign

This past week was a disturbing one in the McCain / Palin campaign for presidency. In the first time in American history a Presidential candidate should be investigated by the Secret Service for inciting mobs into threats of violence against a fellow candidate for the Presidency.
Earlier this week, amid questions by Sarah Palin about just who is this 'Barack Hussein Obama' she continued by accusing him of being in league with terrorists. As the rowdy crowds reacted to this irresponsible rhetoric, prompting shouts of death threats which arose from the crowd, a growing concern was voiced within the Secret Service about how to deal with this crisis.
It is a strange development indeed that in the United States of America we are faced with having to use the secret service to protect one Presidential candidate from the virulent attacks of another.
Just this weekend I read an editorial in my own local newspaper which questioned why Obama's association with certain indviduals wasn't cause for major concern.
Last I had checked at least Obama has bothered to proclaim that he does not condone nor associate himself with the views of these individuals. Meanwhile, last I checked, Sarah Palin has said nothing to reject the opinion of her Witch Doctor preacher and his efforts at exorcism on her campaign.
What an odd, bizarre, strange, and surreal world we live in. My only thought this evening is, can we impeach McCain and Palin before they are elected?
I should add a postscript as this post has drawn an enormous amount of traffic and comments. This post was meant to be satirical in nature. I have no idea if the secret service is investigating the McCain - Palin campaign though I certainly hope they are looking into the effects of their recent rhetoric. This past week it seems to me that it is almost the strategy of the McCain campaign to get Obama assassinated before the election.
I wrote my snotty little piece because I was amazed this weekend when I heard my own relatives parroting the Fox news talking points to me.
As is often the case, art imitates life. Here are some links to news articles which support my general thesis.
Yet, this loon on Google here John Ratcliff somehow latches on to one lonely incident in which someone at a McCain rally yells out one word.
It's a pity these lefties can't see the very characteristics (embeded in McCain and Palin) which makes America great, and in fact gives loons like Ratcliff freedom.
Obama has never stood for anything but 'hate America' diatribes.
Guys,we should find more fun in our life.I found an old version of google page,very funny.
Wow! That's amazing! Investigated by the Secret Service! Do you perchance have a link? A source? A reference for this fascinating bit of knowledge?
You surely wouldn't be making up a truthy factoid out of whole cloth, now, would you?
Please, spare me this lame excuse!
My post was a piece of satire. I don't suppose anyone else got the joke?
9:13 AM
No, no one thought it was satire. More to the point, no one thinks it was satire. It doesn't read like satire.
Your explanation, on the other hand, does read like a weasely attempt to cover up the fact that you were spreading lies about Palin.
Cry "satire" all you want. It won't change your newly established reputation as a hack. Congratulations.
I think we need to get an MD who will prescribe some chill pills for everyone. ;)
Who would have thought that politics would rile people up so much?