Who's In Charge of the UFO cover-up? We are!?

My Google alert, which is set to notify me whenever my arch nemesis Dr. Steven Greer shows up in the blogosphere, fired off this amusing link today.
It is highly entertaining to watch a fevered mind fueled by paranoid delusions spew sprays of sputtering nonsense into the ether of the internets.
I hope you find the post as entertaining as I did.
That is the strangest and funniest post I have ever read in my entire life. I actually have some sympathy for him as he seems to have some pretty severe delusions.
So, Mr and/or Ms. Anonymous, for the record, I do believe in UFOs, thank you very much. It's just that I don't think Freemasons have anything to do with it. But, if it makes you feel happier to believe that dark sinister forces oppress you and keep the light, loving, and beautiful alien angels from granting you peace, free-energy, and good vibes, I guess that is fine with me.
Yes, I believe in UFOs, I just don't think they are anything good.
As far as the last comment, it is far too cryptic to make much sense. Flying saucers are cold and shiny. Little gray aliens abducting innocent people are cold and calculating.
Are those the entities you are referring to in your mysterious way?
You're speaking for yourself, I hope, Bro. John.
Tom Accuosti
Exalted Keeper of the Secrets of Freemasonarianism;
Grand Sovereign Pontiff and Secret Exposuer;
Ambassador to Zeta-Reticula;
Crop Circle Planning & Zoning Commissioner;