Hmmm...odd comment on my blog

I just received an odd, if not even slightly disturbing, comment to one of my blog posts. The anonymous comment accused me of being 'perverted' by uploading photographs on my blog. He was especially concerned about a recent post I made which included photographs from a pool party at my home.

I find this quite odd. Is it inappropriate to upload family photographs to your personal weblog? Maybe it is. Even though the photographs are for my family and friends, nevertheless just anyone in the world can see them too. I am a little bugged that completely innocent photographs of young people having fun were viewed as inappropriate by this stranger. There was nothing salacious about these images. Other images I have uploaded recently included a number of teenage girls.

You see, the thing is, my daughter is an attractive teenage girl; and so are her friends. And if I choose to upload photographs from her high school prom, or graduation party, or friends boating or playing around our community, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. There is certainly no intention on my part other than sharing the photographs with my friends and family.

Look, the simple fact of the matter is that this is a personal blog, I upload personal photographs from my life and, yes, my life includes a teenage daughter and her friends. Anyone who would imply there is anything salacious about it is way, way off base.


Jeff said…
I don't see anything wrong with you sharing your family photos. And, in my opinion, it just makes you more "real" - a real person with a real life, with real family and friends. I for one find it good to get a glimpse now and then into the life of people whom we read online. Perhaps the individual who commented is the one who has the problem.
I wouldn't call what you're doing "perverted" but I would recommend caution. Sadly, there are some sick and mean people out there. A devious, but clever, nutjob could possible use the pictures and the information you provide about your family to cause harm to the ones you hold dear.

I also have teenage daughters. I would not post their pictures for all to see - just my personal decision which errs on the side of caution.
CJ Matulewicz said…
I don't think that there is anything wrong with posting personal photos, but I am always on the side of keeping personal info close to the vest, I never post pictures of my wife, anything with my address on it, or high dollar value personal items.

Maybe you could go with a flickr account where you can limit access to personal photos to people that you select?

Hope that all is well, and I am sorry that you had to deal with an unfortunate comment.

Unknown said…
The person leaving that comment is the person that is perverted. We live in an online world now. Living in fear of it is just stupid.
Anonymous said…
Did you take that watermelon picture?

Because, that's just awesome.
>>Did you take that watermelon picture?

No, I found that on someone else's blog page. I thought it appropriate to the topic.

Anonymous said…
Perverted? That is strange. No.

It says more about the person who would make the comment.

Your daughter is indeed very pretty but I'd be more worried about the boys you have to beat off with a stick than I would creepy blog trolls.

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